Spurs. 1.5 is really above average in west Tn. I've hunted for yrs, took many gobblers. Of all the birds I've taken, I've only took three with legit 1.5's or better, my best is 1 5/8. I was at Natchez Trace one yr on a quota hunt, had some birds roosted. That morning as I was leaving the truck, a young boy pulled in. The birds where already gobblin in the dark, and he heard them. I was hoping He'd be polite, and leave, since I was already there, but seeing his excitement I asked him just to hunt with me, so we would probably be better off together. Long story short, birds flew down, marched to us full strut. I counted down, we doubled. Ran out to flopping birds, mine had 1 spurs. He picked his up, first gobbler he had ever killed, solid, and I mean solid 1-3/4 spurs. I liked to died. He never had a clue. I tried to tell him, but it could have been a jake and he would have been torn up. Just glad I got to be part of it.