Pimping out public land on social media and the huge technological advancements in readily available research, hands down. This exasperates the moral, over crowding and cut throat-ness of public land hunting. Even private land in many cases, I've lost more than one place to the highest bidder when people found out what I had discovered.
Sure, pimping it out has been happening for a while, even before social media. Eastmans hunting magazine is a prime example, they would release units n their magazines (that you had to pay for) and the following season the crowds would increase but not to the extreme we are experiencing now.
Most of us are guilty of spilling the beans(myself included) on our hot spots and most of us have very few "followers", I.e influence. However, any of us can put too much info out there and with the complexities of media search functions it can and will be found.
I don't even share many details if/when I draw a premium tag. Even if my odds of drawing it are less than 1%, I'm not making it public. Makes zero sense to make something that is already difficult that much more difficult.
As much as I would love to know the details of everyone's hunt, for nothing more than having the complete story, we just cannot do it anymore.
Pre social media; people leaving stands on public land and assuming that was there spot, forever. Inconveniences work both ways as well, if I get you to a ridge top (not knowing you even had a stand there) your not allowed to get mad, nor frustrated with yourself.