Biologists ever wonder


Active Member
Dec 11, 2022
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Y'all reckon any biologist around the country ever wonder why they have spent so much time, effort, and money studying how to make an animal, any animal, life better? Especially game animals when all they got to do is make and change to a calendar date and poof it's rainbows and cotton candy for the hunter. How's this for a regulation change: all hunters must complete and pass basic wildlife biology 101.

Oh it's close to season again soon the mornings will be filled with the smell of debbie cakes and coffee and the trumpet of the mighty hunter "mine is bigger then yours".
Y'all reckon any biologist around the country ever wonder why they have spent so much time, effort, and money studying how to make an animal, any animal, life better? Especially game animals when all they got to do is make and change to a calendar date and poof it's rainbows and cotton candy for the hunter. How's this for a regulation change: all hunters must complete and pass basic wildlife biology 101.

Oh it's close to season again soon the mornings will be filled with the smell of debbie cakes and coffee and the trumpet of the mighty hunter "mine is bigger then yours".
I think the Hunter Safety Course is just fine. Our sport is in decline enough with further gatekeeping.
In Europe, hunters must pass a not-so-basic test of wildlife management knowledge before they can get a hunting license. And don't buy into this idea that is common in the U.S. that Europeans can't own guns or hunt. Gun ownership and hunting are VERY common in most of Europe outside of the big cities. I discuss trail-cams and treestands with hunters all over Europe, especially England and Germany.
I guided some guys archery elk hunting from Denmark one time for an outfitter buddy of mine in Idaho. They explained the process to me of how they obtained a hunting license over there. Was pretty intense and all of them had met during the process. We'd have a lot less hunters if had to go through that.
Another thing about Britain hunters, they all have above average incomes, it's not cheap to own guns there and the hunting has been regulated for a lot longer than it has here,
Drive through rural Germany and you see tower blinds on every field. The do a LOT of deer hunting in Germany.
In Germany the landowner has to present a management plan showing how many deer will be taken of which sex. Then the landowner had better follow the plan. Deer hunters are expected to shoot the animal cleanly, no gut shots. A lot of that venison is sold to restaurants and it is common for the restaurant to mention the hunter in the menu, along with some bragging like this hunter is known for making clean shots and properly handling the meat to provide the best quality venison. Slob hunters are weeded out pretty quickly
As a professional wildlife biologist first priority would be that all state wildlife agency commissioner's have wildlife 101 training prior to taking office. Let's get the generals schooled first before training the troops.
I like this. Decisions based on biology instead of gut feelings and politics.
As a professional wildlife biologist first priority would be that all state wildlife agency commissioner's have wildlife 101 training prior to taking office. Let's get the generals schooled first before training the troops.

What??? You mean to say you biologists aren't the ones setting the regulations? But but but ......
Sadly, biologist make recommendations and politicians ignore them and make regulations to favor their friends and donors.

Yeah I had written up a reply explaining that when the thread was posted, but then got the feeling it seems like a troll thread intended to spur bickering, so I didn't post my reply.
You would think that an agency like TWRA that gets no money from the state and is a separate entity. Wouldn't be tangled up in the politics of it all. Lots of state game commissions get money from the general fund of that said state. Obviously opening up tons of possible corruption. I have a question if the biologists do all the study's necessary. On the health of the deer population from WMA's to all across the state. What percentage of they're recommendations actually get put in place year after year. I have no clue myself.

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