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Birmingham Southern

BSU campus was a tropical island in the middle of a shyt hole. My oldest son went to school there and said you could hear gunshots at all hours and watched drug deals from his fraternity.
They had a tall wrought iron fence around the campus with security at each entrance.
BSU campus was a tropical island in the middle of a shyt hole. My oldest son went to school there and said you could hear gunshots at all hours and watched drug deals from his fraternity.
They had a tall wrought iron fence around the campus with security at each entrance.
I held my comments earlier, but I was about to say that thats a cool story on that school's baseball streak, but the city absolutely sucks from everything that I've seen of it.
I've been following this story and it's pretty cool. I guess they'll rotate the trophy if they win it all. They play at 4PM central today. If it was on TV it would probably get big reviews.