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Blackhorn 209 vs. Jim Shockey gold


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2003
Reaction score
Warren Co
Was thinking of trying a lower fouling powder once I run out of pyrodex pellets.

I tried the Jim Shockey gold powder (buckhorn?) (cant remember the full name) but it was supposed to be non fouling blackpowder substitute.
Couldn't get a consistent group outta that stuff at any load.

Hows the Blackhorn 209 ? Is it just a repackaged version of the same stuff?

I hate to have to go through all that load development if its the same stuff.

blackhorn209 is made by western powders. It IS the best powder out there but can only be used in muzzle loaders with a sealed breech plug.

American Pioneer Powder makes jim shockeys gold. Its quite a learning curve to get it to group but it will do good with accuracy.
90gr shot well on paper in a Traditions ml I had.... haven' got to try it in my Omega yet. It burnt way cleaner the the regular black powder.... cleans up with regular solvents too.

Be sure you use a hot primer when shooting the BH209.... something like the CCI Mag 209's.
I loved that powder,but I just couldn't get it to shoot the Hornady FPB good. So I went back to 777.
I had the same problem with the Shockey gold. I couldn't get it to group no matter what I tried. I still have most of the bottle somewhere, but it won't go in any of my guns.
Wanted to make sure it was different before I forked over for a bottle.

Ill probably get a bunch of speed loaders and weigh out my charges to be more exact than volume measuring.

That way I will KNOW I have consistent charges.
blackhorn 209 all the way. jim sucks do NOT USE....

t/c omaga
blackhorn 209 110gr
300gr scorpion pt gold
it's a tack driver
shockeys gold is inconsistent and personally think it pretty much sucks. i bet jim shockey dont even use it.

white hots is a good stick powder, in 90 degree dry weather. shoots great, nice tight one hole groups. if this stuff even thinks there is moisture around, it sucks it up. not the residue, the actual powder itself. its got to be the most hydroscopic powder that i have ever tested in the field. now that is unless they have changed the formulation since the first batch went out. i missed a very nice buck from a no fire with this stuff. i even tried to fire it with 3 different primers, still no fire. after pulling the breach and removing the pellets, they crumbled in my fingers. kinda resembled wet chalk.

if your rifle will shoot blackhorn id go with it, otherwise you cant beat 777 no matter how dirty it is.
Blackhorn is the real deal; shoots great with almost no fouling at all.
Blackhorn 209 is the best choice hands down if it works in your gun. What are you shooting it in?

Oh yes I did try the Shockey's. Very displeased with the acurracy and velocity variances with this powder. If you do try it I hope you have better luck.
WTM said:
shockeys gold . . . . if this stuff even thinks there is moisture around, it sucks it up. not the residue, the actual powder itself. its got to be the most hydroscopic powder that i have ever tested in the field.
Many SHOOTERS don't seem to "get" this potential HUNTING problem of having your powder suck up moisture on a rainy day while hunting.

It's for this reason that I prefer AA 5744 and/or Blackhorn 209 since they are quite possibly the very best muzzleloading powders when it comes to hunting in wet weather or high humidity. There are ballistically better shooting powders for a Savage smokeless muzzleloader, but of what value are they should your gun fail to shoot on a rainy day?

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