Blind draw system: Computer vs In-person

Outside of the pomp and circumstance of in-person draw, are there any advantages/disadvantages over computer draw?
Outside of the pomp and circumstance of in-person draw, are there any advantages/disadvantages over computer draw?
Yes, the top blinds all across the area were still available to hunt and didn't sit empty the majority of the season.
People from 5-6 hours away didn't draw for blinds and never show up.
Used to be able to kill ducks on public land.
Thanks again tdub.
Yes, the top blinds all across the area were still available to hunt and didn't sit empty the majority of the season.
People from 5-6 hours away didn't draw for blinds and never show up.
Used to be able to kill ducks on public land.
Thanks again tdub.
Can't you still hunt those blinds if they don't show up? Isn't that what blind hopping is?
The in person draws became a annual event that thousand looked foward to. Close to the beginning of fall, at Big Sandy, lots of vendors, just a duck hunters thing. What really killed it, at Big Sandy, big money was being offered by these same groups of people every yr. Over time, word spread, it became a yearly lottery. I first started in 1978. Had a total of 600 put in. when it hit its peak in mid 2010s, numbers had jumped to 3000. Many where bring wives, mothers, in laws, anyone who could come and buy a wma permit to put in, mainly for a chance at big money. So, you now understand why at mainly Big Sandy, it got bad outta hand. The draw was mainly for Tn. hunters who really wanted, needed a place to duck hunt, who didnt care about the money. But, then when sums such as 10 -20 thousand starting being offered, it changed even many of the hard core hunters. The best thing twra could have done, considering the situation, or even now could do, is if it stays computer, make them all season blinds. Just go back to season long blinds. Let groups draw the blinds, brush them . hunt them. if vacant at shootin time , first come first serve for the day. so simple. yet they just cant see it. wish l could be appointed to the commission. ld really raise cain. what we need is sev commissioners who will stand up for the waterfowlers, who actually duck hunt to fight for us. l know sev on commission. seems they just dont listen. l will say this, Jason Maxedon, who is now head of Twra, is and has been a duk hunter for most.of his life. a hardcore duk hunter. l will say, if it was up to him, things would be a lil different.
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Outside of the pomp and circumstance of in-person draw, are there any advantages/disadvantages over computer draw?
The computer draw has had many glitches. Maybe the third time is the charm. The old draw system did not have any glitches. Hard to mess up a barrel and physical cards.

The computer style just wasn't thought out very well IMO. And didnt appear to be tested before they launched it. As passionate as so many have been about the change, TWRA should have ensured the system worked properly from the start. They failed at that. Now there's a credibility issue I think.
Can't you still hunt those blinds if they don't show up? Isn't that what blind hopping is?
You can still hop some blinds, but TWRA took the best blinds from every WMA and made them tier 2 blinds and don't allow anyone to hop them. Why you ask? So the middle and east TN guys don't have to get there before shooting time. They can wait until the sun is up to go find their blind.
At the in person draws if you were a mind to get there and focus you could watch every tag being put in the drum and then watch every single one being drawn. Hard to have much chance of any underhanded things going on. With twras computer system and draw there is a lot of room for underhanded stuff to occur. Just like changing answers on the after hunt surveys to make the money going into the communities near the wmas look a lot better. Of course I was told not a single person changed any of my answers , it had to be some kind of computer "thing". I still hold that the computers only do what is programmed and someone had to do that, after I saw about half of my answers changed on one survey.
You can still hop some blinds, but TWRA took the best blinds from every WMA and made them tier 2 blinds and don't allow anyone to hop them. Why you ask? So the middle and east TN guys don't have to get there before shooting time. They can wait until the sun is up to go find their blind.
And likely mess someone else's hunt up in the process.....
I think its all rigged. Nobody takes something away and does everything in secret unless they have a reason to hide what they are doing. I especially believe it is rigged when they tell you it is for everyone's benefit. They never admitted they screwed up the first draws until they were called out, then they just brushed it off as growing pains. Covid gave them the excuse they were looking for to do what they wanted. He who controls the computer program controls the draw. We might as well play McDonald's monopoly.

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