Bow Driving me Crazy

Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
Reaction score
McMinn County
Well I never in 100 years would have thought it would have been this hard to get a bow set up right. I got this PSE Dream Season X-Force in and so far this is what I've learned:

Only PSE "Pro Dealers" carry the X-Force line. None are within 50 miles of here. All other archery shops in a 50 mile radius to me cannot work on the X-Force because of the limb design they require a specific bow press type. If you put them in a different design bow press you will split the limbs.

So that said, I called some on the PSE website for their dealers and got ahold of one. Drove up there this morning and they were really nice people. I'm not bad mouthing anybody at all. They were busy though as any pro shop will be this time of year. I over looked that. They tried to get me set up but we ran into some snags and for whatever reason I am a 28" draw on every other bow but I came out with a 27" module on my bow there to get me "right". But here's what else I learned after getting home:

Last years X-Force and this years X-Force Dream Season are two different animals as far as cam adjustments go.

You go by the last digit of the module. Say it says 1008. Then the 8 stands for 28" of draw and you would put the draw stop in the #8 hole to make it 28". You can put the draw stop in other places and it will cause you to either over extend the cam cycle or get it to where it stops before the cam actually breaks over which will about jerk it out of your hand. SO if it ain't where it is suppose to be, the cam is out of whack.

That's how it was with the 2007 X-Force. The 2008 X-Force "Dream Season" is I find out now. You still go by the last digit on the module BUT you now have to go a size down from last year.

So say you have that same 1008 module and the draw stop in the #8 hole. On the 2008 Dream Season X-Force, that is actually 29" draw length while on the other X-Forces, that is 28". Confused yet?

Well back to my story. So far I've took it to two places. One shop wouldn't touch it because of the wrong bow press thing...that was a 30 mile one way trip for nothing..thus I learned to call before travel. Took it today to another shop that was a PSE Pro Shop and evidently they haven't fiddled much with the Dream Season models. Which that ain't no bad on them but experience is a good teacher. They set it up like the other X-Forces...and thus for me it was too long with the #8 module for 28" (which is actually 29 on the DS bow so it should be too long). So they dropped it down to the #7 module...which would be 28" on the DS BUT for whatever reason they never moved the draw stop to compensate for that. Not sure why...might have just slipped their mind from being so hectic in there. So the bow was a little shorter than before but not short enough. So we went to a #6 module...and same thing, did not move the draw stop and got me "close". That's where I stand now.

I didn't find all this out til I got all the way back home. The bow would have been fine with the #7 module if the draw stop had been put in the #7 slot. And now I gotta track down a #7 module and X-Force compatible bow press to put the string back to spec before of the fandangling we had to do to get my draw length close.

Why couldn't things just be simple LOL. Grants in Dalton is the only other Pro Series dealer close to me and I just called them. They confirmed my internet findings on the draw stop and modules. Said they would be happy to fix it. But they close at 4 on Saturday and it was 3:30 when I called and that's an hour away from me. I might can make it down there this week and hopefully be able to shoot this bow good.

But here's to ya PSE...the X-Force which is actually on 27" draw with a half inch d-loop and an out of whack cam still shot a 386 grain arrow at 298 FPS and 65 pounds. When she finally gets dialed in she should really be smoking. But this is a lot of trouble and waiting for one bow. No wonder I've always stuck with local dealers and what they carried.
According to my user manual , I can back out the limb bolts on my Mach X enough to relax the string . I have the independent split limb pockets though ,and for Hyper Split pockets you need to use a compression force press or pull type press .
I didn't get a manual when I got my WIFE, but I figured out how to work on her to get the best out of her.
Radar -- Yep that's what they've told me about the presses. Bow shops around here are few and far between anyway; finding one with that style press AND being a PSE dealer is evidently a hard task.

I scheduled a vacation day for tomorrow to go to Grants. I've never been down there but the guy I talked to in archery dept on the phone sounded knowledgeable and nice. Hopefully I'll get this bad boy up and going.
I only go to one shop for anything bow related.
Lawsons in Loretto.
Ask for Wade.

I shoot a Mathews and they are a dealer, but they also sell and service other brands of bows.

Have a dealer and shop much closer to my home,but I drive right past them. Going to Lawsons is well worth the time and fuel.
They do good work,at competitive prices,without the bow shop attitude.
I only go to one shop as well.... it is out out in my garage. I don't trust any of the bow "technicians" around. Most of them, around here anyway, have the "I'm better than you" attitude and frankly, are not worth dealing with.

If you learn how to work on your own bow you won't have to depend on any technician that may, or may not, know what he is doing.

No matter what bow you have, none of it is rocket science. Buy a $30 Bowmaster press (which will press any bow) and spend a little time on the internet forums and I am sure, if you have even a little sense, you can fix just about any problem.
Ditto on the DIY .Thats what I do too .
Good bow techs are hard to find around here . It's amazing how much work you can do with a little Bowmaster portable press .

Jubal said:
I only go to one shop as well.... it is out out in my garage. I don't trust any of the bow "technicians" around. Most of them, around here anyway, have the "I'm better than you" attitude and frankly, are not worth dealing with.

If you learn how to work on your own bow you won't have to depend on any technician that may, or may not, know what he is doing.

No matter what bow you have, none of it is rocket science. Buy a $30 Bowmaster press (which will press any bow) and spend a little time on the internet forums and I am sure, if you have even a little sense, you can fix just about any problem.
Jubal said:
No matter what bow you have, none of it is rocket science. Buy a $30 Bowmaster press (which will press any bow) and spend a little time on the internet forums and I am sure, if you have even a little sense, you can fix just about any problem.

I am proof of that.
If I had a little shed at my house I would love to buy some archery equipment and do my own work. I just don't have the space for anything like that right now. I'd like to have my own press, cutting saw, and a half dozen Bitz jigs.

The X-Force bows will only work in the following presses:

Bow Presses that have been tested and approved by PSE to perform full service on X-Technology bow:.

1. EZ Press by Last Chance Archery
2. HTM Presses
3. E.L.P. Bowpress by L.A. Archery
4. C.W. Erickson's Big Squeeze Press with Limb Fork Attachment

That's the big problem right now...locating the right modules and if I ever need to take the bow down, treking down a press.

I went to Grants today and the guy there was busy. I waited a bit and he worked on my bow for me. He had agreed on everything I said about the bow needing a #7 module for 28" draw...heck it even says on the spec sheet on the PSE Tuning website which module it needs. I figured that's what he put on there but for some idiotic reason I never looked until I was already back home. And now I have a set of #8 modules on the bow...which once again puts me back at 29" and no shootable bow.

I got the X-Force for $560 brand new and thought I was getting a deal. I couldn't afford one of those $800 DXTs. Now after making two 120 mile round trip trips for modules and STILL not being right...I think I should have just got a DXT from EWA. Let John set it up right the first time, and been done with it. I'll not do this crap again.
CT: I can feel your pain!!! In 2004 I bought the brand new PSE Firestrom-lite and had almost the same prob that you are having w/o the limb issue...I live next to two major dealers of PSE and they couldn't figure it out...Ended up the bow was a 29" and after fifty people measuring me and telling me that I was from 27.5" to 29"... decided to do a little research to find out a persons true measurement...Low and be hold I am a 30" go figure ...this was the second bow that I had purchased since I was a kid...So I asked everyone from the two big stores to PSE if I could not get a module from them and I was told no!!!...So I gave the bow away, told PSE that I would never do business with them, visited my local Mathews dealer and problem solved...Hope everything works out!!
Crow Terminator said:
If I had a little shed at my house I would love to buy some archery equipment and do my own work. I just don't have the space for anything like that right now. I'd like to have my own press, cutting saw, and a half dozen Bitz jigs.

The X-Force bows will only work in the following presses:

Bow Presses that have been tested and approved by PSE to perform full service on X-Technology bow:.

1. EZ Press by Last Chance Archery
2. HTM Presses
3. E.L.P. Bowpress by L.A. Archery
4. C.W. Erickson's Big Squeeze Press with Limb Fork Attachment

That's the big problem right now...locating the right modules and if I ever need to take the bow down, treking down a press.

I went to Grants today and the guy there was busy. I waited a bit and he worked on my bow for me. He had agreed on everything I said about the bow needing a #7 module for 28" draw...heck it even says on the spec sheet on the PSE Tuning website which module it needs. I figured that's what he put on there but for some idiotic reason I never looked until I was already back home. And now I have a set of #8 modules on the bow...which once again puts me back at 29" and no shootable bow.

I got the X-Force for $560 brand new and thought I was getting a deal. I couldn't afford one of those $800 DXTs. Now after making two 120 mile round trip trips for modules and STILL not being right...I think I should have just got a DXT from EWA. Let John set it up right the first time, and been done with it. I'll not do this crap again.

Yes you do need the #7 mod and the draw stop in the #7 grove for a 28" draw on the XF DS. If not you can possibly over rotate the cam or under rotate leaving you zero valley. The dream season has a 1" longer brace height than the XF6. There is a press sold by a guy on archerytalk that works very good with the XF. It's called the Omini Press. About 165 shipped. I'm building one similar right now for personal use. You will love the bow when it's set up correctly.
I hopped to A-T and looked up the press. Looks good! If only I had a good little shed or shop to put one in, that's what I'd have.

Gonna set out tomorrow with these nearly $5 a gallon gas prices to get this bow set up right. I'm carrying a print out of the PSE Tech sheet this time showing that #7 module as being needed for 28" draw.
Geez Crow, where did you buy the bow? And did they not set it up and let you shoot it before buying? :crazy:
Crow....I hate that for ya.Noone should have to lose their mind trying to get a bow set up.Maybe the third time will be a charm.