Bow Madness TV show.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
Moss, Tennessee
I watch quite a few of the shows on the outdoor channel. Roadtrips, Realtree Outdoors, Bone Collector, Hunter's Specialties, Primos, Jim Shockey, Lee & Tiffany, and so on. I started watching Bow Madness for the first time I think the other day and didn't make it through it. It will be the last time I try. I understand that the shows have to get their sponsors in to pay for stuff. I never really pay much attention to it on all those shows. With this show like every fifth word or something was PSE. One of the guys after shooting something said "I wouldn't even tried that shot without a PSE" or something like that. Give me a break. Then top it off with the over the top narration, it was more than I could handle. Anyone else notice this. This is coming from someone who just bought a Bow Madness also.
I have noticeed the same thing. Its one thing to advertise and pay for sponsorship, but to me... I think they are all getting more and more plugs in for the people paying the $$$
I do love watchn the Drury shows, but majority of them just keep getting more lame every year w/ nothing but sponsor promos!! Oh yeah... i just LOVE it when they say that they've been hunting HARD for 3-4 days and haven't shot a 'BRUISER'!!! WTH ever!!!!
TheAirMan said:
I watch quite a few of the shows on the outdoor channel. Roadtrips, Realtree Outdoors, Bone Collector, Hunter's Specialties, Primos, Jim Shockey, Lee & Tiffany, and so on. I started watching Bow Madness for the first time I think the other day and didn't make it through it. It will be the last time I try. I understand that the shows have to get their sponsors in to pay for stuff. I never really pay much attention to it on all those shows. With this show like every fifth word or something was PSE. One of the guys after shooting something said "I wouldn't even tried that shot without a PSE" or something like that. Give me a break. Then top it off with the over the top narration, it was more than I could handle. Anyone else notice this. This is coming from someone who just bought a Bow Madness also.

Isn't that the drury boys. Heck just buy the videos. The same hunts with out all the pluggin.
Secret Squirrel said:
The one thing I always notice is that a majority of the shots you see on Bow Madness or Dream Season is that rarely do they get a pass through shot. Most of the time the animal runs off with an arrow sticking out of it! ;) that anything like throwing an axe thru an animal? LOL :D
In every hunting show I try to find something to learn or something to learn. I analize and over think stuff everyday all day with my job. I watch hunting shows to enjoy myself and the last thing I'm going to do is worry about this stuff. I would much rather tolerate some advertising and the like than have the shows disappear.
richmanbarbeque said:
I would much rather tolerate some advertising and the like than have the shows disappear.

I agree with that. However, two key words you used there were "some advertising." With almost all of the shows I don't pay much attention to it. I wasn't saying it was that bad in all the shows, just this one. This show was different. To me there is a difference between a hunting show with a little advertising and an advertisement with a little hunting. I don't really watch the shows to learn anything because most I've seen won't teach you anything. I watch them to kill time during off season or get fired up before season. I also watch them to see places and animals or size of animals that I know I won't ever get to hunt. I wouldn't want them to go away either. However, if they were all like Bow Madness, I don't really think it would bother me all that much.
Secret Squirrel said:
richmanbarbeque said:
In every hunting show I try to find something to learn or something to learn. I analize and over think stuff everyday all day with my job. I watch hunting shows to enjoy myself and the last thing I'm going to do is worry about this stuff. I would much rather tolerate some advertising and the like than have the shows disappear.

True! I have my DVR set for just about every hunting show there is. This allows me to skip the commercials and only see the hunts. Most of my shows record during the day or late night hours. When I play it back a 30 minute show only takes 12-15 minutes to watch!

Thats what I do . I just record them on the DVR and fast forward through the commercials . I like the shooting tips with Pete Shepley the best . My favorite bowhunting show by far is Heartland Bowhunter.
richmanbarbeque said:
In every hunting show I try to find something to learn or something to learn. I analize and over think stuff everyday all day with my job. I watch hunting shows to enjoy myself and the last thing I'm going to do is worry about this stuff. I would much rather tolerate some advertising and the like than have the shows disappear.

I agree, lot easier to tolerate advertising on hunting shows than the garbage on alot of types shows.
If it were not for sponsors , the hunting shows would not exist at all .They pay the bills . It's not cheap to produce a hunting show.
Radar said:
If it were not for sponsors , the hunting shows would not exist at all .They pay the bills . It's not cheap to produce a hunting show.

but there is such a thing as overkill.
Radar said:
If it were not for sponsors , the hunting shows would not exist at all .They pay the bills . It's not cheap to produce a hunting show.

Yep, but most people will find something to complain about.

Most people have never tried filming hunts or buying/paying for gear so they have no compassion for these guys trying to entertain us. With the internet we are all over night pros and critics and can't see past what it takes to do a show and do it the best they can. Remember, just becuase you are not learning something does not mean that someone else isn't.

Who am I fooling, this is the age of know-it-alls. :grin:
richmanbarbeque said:
Radar said:
If it were not for sponsors , the hunting shows would not exist at all .They pay the bills . It's not cheap to produce a hunting show.

Yep, but most people will find something to complain about.

Most people have never tried filming hunts or buying/paying for gear so they have no compassion for these guys trying to entertain us. With the internet we are all over night pros and critics and can't see past what it takes to do a show and do it the best they can. Remember, just becuase you are not learning something does not mean that someone else isn't.

Who am I fooling, this is the age of know-it-alls. :grin:

Did I not state in my first post that I understand they have to get the sponsors in to pay for things? It semms like you guys are taking this like I am meaning this about every show. Which I clearly am not. Richman, out of curiosity, have you ever watched Bow Madness? It is defiantly over the top. Also, are you really learning anything when someone show up, sits in a tree picked out by someone else & kills a deer what seems like a hour later. Even when they don't tell you why they picked the spot or what's supposed to be good about it?
AirMan, Relax. Nothing directed to you. If I want to single anyone out I have NO problem directing it to them. Everything that I have posted has been general assumptions or the way I see it, just like your original post.
I'm relaxed. However, I am curious if you have watched the show to know what I am talking about on this specific one. You say you would rather tolerate some advertising than to see the shows disapper, and I agree with you on that. However, I am assuming that you also would have a limit to where it became too much.
I have watched about every episode of Bow Madness and I don't feel they advertise any more than the rest of the top hunting shows out there . Name one show that doesn't plug their sponsors? I can't name any , they all do.
For instance ,If they didn't advertise Rage broadheads , I don't think Rage broadheads would be nearly as popular as they are today. I'll say the same for what they have done for the PSE line up of bows . They brought PSE back to the forefront of the archery industry . The Bow Madness series wouldn't exist without the show.
Archery companies are struggling to make it in a tough economy and good marketing is the key to being successful .

It's not my favorite hunting show , but I think the shooting tips segment that Pete Shepley does on every episode is worth watching .