Bow Madness TV show.

I have watched the show and agree with richmanbbq and Radar. When a show is named after a product you can expect it to be very close to an infomercial. I do not see where this show is any different than most shows named after a product. Others advertise several more products where the name brand shows concentrate more on their main sponsor. It all boils down to who pays the highest percentage of the advertising air time.
I really never have liked any of the Drury shows or videos. They do too much in special effects and narration for my liking. For example: hunter is in treestand and deer is coming out of a CRP field on the trail below the hunter. We watch the deer in the process of doing this. Then we hear the hunter whisper/talk low to the camera guy telling what the deer is going to do. Then we cut to a side box (or sometimes full screen view) of the hunter in street clothes or camo in a studio, telling us exactly what we just saw the deer do.

The Primos guys are my favorite. Yeah they sell game calls but at least they show hunting how it really is and get to the hunting.
richmanbarbeque said:
stik said:
Radar said:
If it were not for sponsors , the hunting shows would not exist at all .They pay the bills . It's not cheap to produce a hunting show.

but there is such a thing as overkill.

What would you consider overkill?

constantly hawking a product in every sentence. that's what the commercials are for.
If you guys get a chance , watch heartland Bowhunter . It is an excellent hunting show that showcases the hunt rather than the sponsors , even though they are a big part of the production.
I just DVR all of the shows I want to watch and fast forward through the ads and random talking. I can watch a show in 10 minutes most of the time.
I have a question maby someone can answer
Do the product companies pay these hunting shows to use their products? Or, do they just give the shows products to use! Primos when doing a gun hunting show it seems they are using one rifle between the hunter and camera man.
Lawrence said:
I have a question maby someone can answer
Do the product companies pay these hunting shows to use their products? Or, do they just give the shows products to use! Primos when doing a gun hunting show it seems they are using one rifle between the hunter and camera man.

Yes they are paid along with products as well. When Drury signed with PSE is was a multi year deal. Long term.
BigCountry71 said:
Lawrence said:
I have a question maby someone can answer
Do the product companies pay these hunting shows to use their products? Or, do they just give the shows products to use! Primos when doing a gun hunting show it seems they are using one rifle between the hunter and camera man.

Yes they are paid along with products as well. When Drury signed with PSE is was a multi year deal. Long term.

What he said. Different companies do different things depending on how much air time they want and how much they can afford. The bigger the company the more money they can throw at these shows. Just because you see many of these shows shooting X brand bow does not mean that bow is better. It means brand X is spending more money in advertising than brand B. I know that some shows go from one company to the next trying to see who will pay the most.
Some I enjoy better than others, "Primos" being the best IMO, but I watch'em all. Although annoying, if it were'nt for the advertising, there would be no programs. I've learned a lot from watching them.

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