Bow targets????

Blob is nice but very heavy. Excellent target if you want something out in the yard or property year round. If you are looking for a portable bag target let me recommend the Delta Speed Bag. I keep one in my garage and shoot it from 5 ft to practice my form. I've never had a pass through. They are pretty heavy for a bag target but manageable if you want something to bring with you to camp.
We just got some Blob targets in. They are heavy and not the kind of target you throw in the back of your truck to take to a buddy's house to shoot, but if you want a fieldpoint/broadhead target that will last 5 to 10 years then this fits the bill. Got one left, but more coming after the first of the year.
I am a sales rep for the BLOB target. If you are close to the Archery Den go see Jeremy. Feel free to contact me if you are not close to him. We have a website coming up soon. You can view it at The BLOB is hands down the best target you can buy.