Bowhunting From a Ladder Stand: Sit or Stand


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
For everyone that bow hunts from a ladder stand, do you sit or stand when hunting? I prefer to stand in a climber but in the ladder my platform keeps me exposed and well out from the tree.
I do take sitting breaks if I get tired of standing, but I prefer to stand in any stand I'm in because of the close proximity to my target and the reduction of movement�I'm already moving enough drawing the bow.
I sit when a deer comes in I will stand up if I can. Practice shooting from sitting and standing. I'm too fidgity standing for long periods. I do have a camo cloth around the front of the platform to conceal me a little better. I never put a ladder stand on a single tree. I prefer a tree that splits or a clump of trees.
I stand on the seat so I can hide against the tree. I hate to get caught sitting down. You can shoot sitting in those single man ladders without the rail around them though. On the two man stands with the shooting rail, I like to stand on the seat to avoid the rail and hide better.
I got caught sitting down last year about to shoot a good 9pt. I could have made the shot sitting but he spotted me after i drew back and never stepped in my lane. We have moved the stand to a more hidden area now so should be good to sit or stand.
TNDeerGuy said:
I do take sitting breaks if I get tired of standing, but I prefer to stand in any stand I'm in because of the close proximity to my target and the reduction of movement�I'm already moving enough drawing the bow.

What he said!