Bowtech Admiral. Ummmm.....WOW!


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2002
Reaction score
Southwest, VA
When searching for bows earlier this year, I put every possible bow you could think of in my hands. When I got it narrowed down I had to choose between the Z7, strothers sr71, Bowtech Admiral and the Bowtech Destroyer.

As you can tell from the subject, I brought home the Admiral. I felt out of all the bows, for me, it had everything I was looking for. It is by far the quietest and most shock free bow I've ever had in my hands.

Got everything setup and paper tuned yesterday then put her through the chrony. At a 28.5" draw, 69#DW, 28" \ 380gr arrow...I'm getting 305fps. Plenty of speed with no sound or vibration....can't really ask for much more out of my killing stick.
Indeed it is. Having said that, I shot the x-force a few years back and really enjoyed that bow as well. Come a hair of bringing one home.
I had a general for awhile. It too had literaly zero hand shock. I'm sticking with my allegiance for now though.

Congrats on yours that thing is screaming.