JCDEERMAN":31inhzme said:
I am totally ok with opening the season a couple weeks later than we do now. It gives me more time to fish. What I don't understand is all the talk here lately about outlawing decoys. Heck - that's how I got into turkey hunting as a kid and think it's good for young hunters or folks that don't have a lot of knowledge or time to get out in the woods much during the short spring season. I just want some to look at all aspects - that is all. I can't wait to take my daughter some day. At a very young age (when she will be still and silent lol), I want her sitting in a blind with a decoy right out in front of us. I love to run and gun just as much as anyone, but some days, the conditions and scenarios just aren't right for that - but sitting in a blind with a decoy is most sufficient. There is a time and place for everything.
I've got no desire to get into what's best for you or your daughter and how you enjoy a hunt etc. with that said here's where I come from.
I like many learned to hunt turkeys at a young age with a cheap box call and some trash mouth call. I had no blind, no decoys. I fought gobblers that roosted in a swamp in Alabama and flew into the middle of hundred acre ag fields each morning. Did I have succcess? Heck no, I got schooled every morning for a long time. However, with each schooling I learned a little more and suddenly one day I tied it all together. That was almost 30 years ago, and about 200 dead long beards in the past. I realize now that those brutal, frustrating, and depressing early hunts made me learn turkeys, and how to effectively slaughter them each spring. Yes it sucked, but it honed me into the hunter I am today. Would I be the same hunter now if I had sat in a blind and simply shot turkeys? Not a chance
My disdain for decoys is that there's no earning that kill on a brutally tough dominant bird with them, it's almost automatic. There's no paying your dues for new hunters as they get instant gratification which I don't like, and feel is a massive cultural issue in this country. And also what damage is being done to the population with all the new breeding data coming out?
Trust me when I say it's a whole different game hunting dominant birds without a decoy or hunting field birds with only a call. Yes it's tough, but dam is it rewarding. I wish hunters would get back to embracing the challenge rather than the kill shot