

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
dyersburg, tn
hey guys, i just bought a brand new bowtech allegiance, and was wondering what kind of broadhead might shoot good out of it. im pullin bout 65#, 28inch draw. its getting around 304fps. i have some muzzy 100gr, but they are pretty sporadic in flight. ive had the bow tuned and tuned, but still havnt been able to group the muzzies. what do yall think
arrows are like broadheads, its whichever one you shoot well and gives you confidence. some shops may let you try a few different ones to see the one thats right for you. if your on a budget check out the bps blackout 3 blades, good fixed heads and good pricing
splitter said:
i love muzzys and hate rages, just my opinion

And just why do you hate rage? Is it the price, the way they look, the way they open. Have you ever hunt with them or even shot a deer with one. Hate is a strong word to use and not tell us why.
cecil30-30 said:
NAP Spitfires are great.
Great broadhead. Been using them for years and never had a failure.

Alot of folks like the Rage. I took out a loan and bought 6 of them to see what all the rage was about. They never made it to the woods. The fact that everytime I pulled one out of my quiver the blades were flopping around like a wet noodle was enough to prevent me from using them. It made me wonder if they can't stay in place for a gentle ride in my quiver how in the world could they stay in position 100% of the time when shot? :confused: :whistle:
Bow Hunter said:
splitter said:
i love muzzys and hate rages, just my opinion

And just why do you hate rage? Is it the price, the way they look, the way they open. Have you ever hunt with them or even shot a deer with one. Hate is a strong word to use and not tell us why.

I would have to agree with splitter on the rages.
Bow Hunter said:
splitter said:
i love muzzys and hate rages, just my opinion

And just why do you hate rage? Is it the price, the way they look, the way they open. Have you ever hunt with them or even shot a deer with one. Hate is a strong word to use and not tell us why.

how would i know i didn't like them if i nad never shot a deer with them, come on. i shot a deer year before last with one, got about 6 inches of penetration, have no clue as to why. the blades break easy, they are way overpriced, the blades are a pain in the butt to try to keep from falling out in the quiver. if you hunt with rages and have had good luck with them, that's great. i sure haven't
splitter said:
Bow Hunter said:
splitter said:
i love muzzys and hate rages, just my opinion

And just why do you hate rage? Is it the price, the way they look, the way they open. Have you ever hunt with them or even shot a deer with one. Hate is a strong word to use and not tell us why.

how would i know i didn't like them if i nad never shot a deer with them, come on. i shot a deer year before last with one, got about 6 inches of penetration, have no clue as to why. the blades break easy, they are way overpriced, the blades are a pain in the butt to try to keep from falling out in the quiver. if you hunt with rages and have had good luck with them, that's great. i sure haven't

A lot of people hate things they have never tryed just because someone told them they didnt like it. Also are you useing a quiver made for exspandable heads if not that could be the reason they open and fall out on you. Did you find the deer you shot with the rage? A bad shot with any broadhead is a lost deer most of the time.
TN RDG RNR said:
cecil30-30 said:
NAP Spitfires are great.
Great broadhead. Been using them for years and never had a failure.

Alot of folks like the Rage. I took out a loan and bought 6 of them to see what all the rage was about. They never made it to the woods. The fact that everytime I pulled one out of my quiver the blades were flopping around like a wet noodle was enough to prevent me from using them. It made me wonder if they can't stay in place for a gentle ride in my quiver how in the world could they stay in position 100% of the time when shot? :confused: :whistle:

I agree with you on this post...I killed two deer with them and had pass through and great blood trail, but the blades came out of the slip cam with a good bump and couldn't stand that. Had great results with Grim Reapers last season and them suckers stay shut until they hit something.
Rage! For sure! I went away from muzzy for same reason. I have shot 8 deer in the last three seasons. 2 yotes, and two turkeys. I have watched all go down in site. But remeber that everyone is going to tell u different things. All broadheads are made to kill. Shot placement is everything! And rage does shoot like a field point, so u want have grouping problems!