
HUNTFUN07 said:
Shot placement is everything! And rage does shoot like a field point , so u want have grouping problems!

as will most if not all mechanical heads. rage is overrated and overpriced imo.
I've shot WASP SST's and EASTON aluminum arrows for years but i got me some RAGE 2 blade 100 gr's and was plan'n on goin ta carbon arrrows an a whisker biskit this year btu now ya'll have got me nervous about the RAGE'S. I've never heard so much negative talk about them.
stik said:
HUNTFUN07 said:
Shot placement is everything! And rage does shoot like a field point , so u want have grouping problems!

as will most if not all mechanical heads. rage is overrated and overpriced imo.
x 2

If you can't get the 100-gr Muzzys to group tight, the problem is likely in your tuning. Mechanicals allow you to get tight groups with a less than ideal tune. But anything less than ideal tune, you're not getting all you should from your bow.

Overall, Muzzys are hard to beat when it comes to fixed heads. Great head, great value.

Among the mechanicals, those Spitfires are much more impressive to me than the Rage heads, and I've heard very little negative about the Spitfires over the years. By contrast, many, many people have had a bad experience with the Rages.
I'm shooting the Rage as well at the moment. I really only switched to them because the heads I used to like(Rocky Mountain Snypers) were discontinued. I came into about half a dozen of the Rage head pretty cheap. A guy shot em but didn't want them any more so I just replaced the blades and now have more than I need. I agree with Wes there have been a lot of horror stories about the rage head. I feel that is in part because of the popularity of them. Lime light has a tendency to expose the bad along with the good. While I haven't had any bad experiences with the Rage heads, I think in the future I'm going to get away from mechanicel heads altogether for the sole reason that it's just one more variable that I don't want to have to worry about. I like the looks of the g5 fixed blade line up as well as the tricks. So we'll see, but for now I'm shooting Rage because that is what i have and I'm once again a broke college student. lol there's my .02
Slick Tricks are my favorite fixed head broadhead.

I had pretty good success with the Grim Reapers this past season too.

Rages, as already stated many times here -- over rated and over priced. The reason most people shoot them is because of their brilliant marketing campaign. They are in every magazine you open and most of the "we will praise anything you pay us to shoot on TV" crowd crows about them. Yeah I had some in my quiver but sold them all. As others have stated, the blades would not stay closed in the quiver. I have a Quickee Combo quiver made for mechanicals and fixed's just the o ring design of the Rage.
Carlos Viagra said:
The 3 blade Rage are illegal if I'm not mistaken.
I believe the TWRA has recommended removing the requirement that broadheads be of a barbless design. If that change to the regs occurs, the three blade Rage should be legal. Just my opinion, consult an expert before screwing one on. :cool:
Crow Terminator said:
Rages, as already stated many times here -- over rated and over priced. The reason most people shoot them is because of their brilliant marketing campaign. They are in every magazine you open and most of the "we will praise anything you pay us to shoot on TV" crowd crows about them. Yeah I had some in my quiver but sold them all. As others have stated, the blades would not stay closed in the quiver. I have a Quickee Combo quiver made for mechanicals and fixed's just the o ring design of the Rage.
Can't speak to the marketing, since I quit reading hunting magazines and watching hunting shows years ago, but I can tell you from experience that the Rages (both 2 and 3 blade designs) open up a massive hole. They have performed flawlessly for me on numerous deer. They are definitely pricy... but effective.

Bottom line is that any properly placed modern broadhead will kill a deer quickly and humanely. It really boils down to what you like.
I don't understand why so many ppl have this hatred for rage heads. I'm not really a fan boy...I can do with them or with out them. I just can't figure out why ppl are so passionate about them Love or Hate. So what if they have a great marketing scheme, does that make them over rated. I think they are a good head and work well for a lot of ppl including myself up to this point. Some have had bad experiances, but it's hard to say what the cause of those experiences were. But to blame the company for their does this affect the performance of a broad head? Granted some of the newbies and weekend warriors fall for the full page adds and say that it's the best soley on that, and this give a false review IMO. However, it still doesn't affect the actual performance of the head. And as far as price goes, if they are over priced then there are a heck of a lot of others that are overpriced too. Don't mean to ruffle any feathers, I'm not taking sides one way or the other because to be honest I'm confident that no matter the head on my arrow, I can put it where it needs to go. Just want to know why some hate them to the extent that they do.
bobthebowhunter said:
I don't understand why so many ppl have this hatred for rage heads. I'm not really a fan boy...I can do with them or with out them. I just can't figure out why ppl are so passionate about them Love or Hate. So what if they have a great marketing scheme, does that make them over rated. I think they are a good head and work well for a lot of ppl including myself up to this point. Some have had bad experiances, but it's hard to say what the cause of those experiences were. But to blame the company for their does this affect the performance of a broad head? Granted some of the newbies and weekend warriors fall for the full page adds and say that it's the best soley on that, and this give a false review IMO. However, it still doesn't affect the actual performance of the head. And as far as price goes, if they are over priced then there are a heck of a lot of others that are overpriced too. Don't mean to ruffle any feathers, I'm not taking sides one way or the other because to be honest I'm confident that no matter the head on my arrow, I can put it where it needs to go. Just want to know why some hate them to the extent that they do.

"like throwing an ax through an animal" "get your animal or your money back"

this gives the impression that all you have to do is just hit it somewhere.
I'm not really seeing the whole over priced thing. Well, at least not much more that any other head anyway. Last year I had Muzzy MX-3 and Rage 2 blade in my quiver. The MX-3 is up to $27 for 3. G5 Montec's are $35, Striker are the same price as Rage. Slick Tricks are $28. Yeah they are more than most but not that much more. I never shot the Rage at an animal last year so I can't go by my own experience yet, and I may have a bad one this fall. However, I think part of the bad things you here about rage are IMO like part of the bad things you hear about all mechanicals. I would say a fair part of them weren't the broadheads fault. I would say the person made a bad shot and thought they made a good one, or made and bad one and didn't know it or didn't want to admit it and they just blame the broadhead.
Fixed Blade: Slick Trick, G5 Striker, Magnus Snuffer.

Mechanical: I don't shoot mechanical broadheads but if you are interested in them I would have to agree with the Rage crowd. That many people can't be wrong about them.
splitter said:
i love muzzys and hate rages, just my opinion

Ditto. You sure you're tuned right? Typically when I switch from field tips to the muzzies all I have to do is make a slight right to left pin adjustment and have no problem grouping.
stik said:
bobthebowhunter said:
I don't understand why so many ppl have this hatred for rage heads. I'm not really a fan boy...I can do with them or with out them. I just can't figure out why ppl are so passionate about them Love or Hate. So what if they have a great marketing scheme, does that make them over rated. I think they are a good head and work well for a lot of ppl including myself up to this point. Some have had bad experiances, but it's hard to say what the cause of those experiences were. But to blame the company for their does this affect the performance of a broad head? Granted some of the newbies and weekend warriors fall for the full page adds and say that it's the best soley on that, and this give a false review IMO. However, it still doesn't affect the actual performance of the head. And as far as price goes, if they are over priced then there are a heck of a lot of others that are overpriced too. Don't mean to ruffle any feathers, I'm not taking sides one way or the other because to be honest I'm confident that no matter the head on my arrow, I can put it where it needs to go. Just want to know why some hate them to the extent that they do.

"like throwing an ax through an animal" "get your animal or your money back"

this gives the impression that all you have to do is just hit it somewhere.
I'll ask again, does the marketing affect the way the broadhead functions. I feel the answer to that is no. And by the pic that BigWes50 does kinda look like a hatchet wound. I just think ppl want to hate them because they just want to buck the trend so to speak.
i know my bow is tuned right, i have paper tuned it twice and its shooting bullet holes. I just thought of something tho. Could my problem be my arrows? ive had some gold tip 3555 hunters for bout 6yrs now, and i have abused them(hit plywood several times, bricks, all kind of stuff). When i look down them, they seem a lil crooked, but when i spin them they spin fine. Im thinking it might be time to buy some more. if so what kind of arrow would yall recommned for me. im lookin to have a total arrow weight between 340-400.
outdoorsmen22 said:
i know my bow is tuned right, i have paper tuned it twice and its shooting bullet holes. I just thought of something tho. Could my problem be my arrows? ive had some gold tip 3555 hunters for bout 6yrs now, and i have abused them(hit plywood several times, bricks, all kind of stuff). When i look down them, they seem a lil crooked, but when i spin them they spin fine. Im thinking it might be time to buy some more. if so what kind of arrow would yall recommned for me. im lookin to have a total arrow weight between 340-400.

PM headed your way with some info on arrow selection and tuning, sounds like your underspined.
But in the meantime learn to "flex test" your arrows. Google it! Also visually inspect for nicks, chips, and splinters. Some of those arrow that hit solid objects might not be safe for shooting.