I'm not going to lie. I'm concerned. I think those hit hardest by the drought and acorn crop this last fall are going to see some decline in average antler growth per age-class this summer. Although one thing that can mitigate that reduction is excellent growing conditions this spring - primarily an early green-up and good rains through May.
I'm not going to lie. I'm concerned. I think those hit hardest by the drought and acorn crop this last fall are going to see some decline in average antler growth per age-class this summer. Although one thing that can mitigate that reduction is excellent growing conditions this spring - primarily an early green-up and good rains through May.
Wasn't that bad in the south eastern part of the state...the drought .
Likewise, I'm hoping for good weather the upcoming spring and summer. We will have to see. Keeping my camera's up all year to try and monitor. 🦌
What gives me the most hope for this summer is it looks like we'll finally have a "normal" ocean temperature pattern. The last three in a row have been La Nina years, which tend to have VERY wet winters and springs followed by very hot and dry - extremely dry - summers. I've forgotten what it's like to have regular afternoon thunderstorms throughout the summer. That's what's normal, but we haven't seen that in a quite a few years.

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