That's really odd Ski. I wonder what caused that?
Below is a graph of daily bucks photographed for 2021. The thin red line is daily number of bucks photographed and the thicker purple line the three-day running mean. The two vertical blue lines indicate peak breeding. Notice the two peaks of buck photographs; one right after peak breeding and the other at the end of November. That first peak right after peak breeding consists mainly of bucks photographed seeking - just making tracks through the woods, on a mission. The second peak in late November and early December is primarily bucks back working the scrapes one last time, and a high percentage of these scrape visits were in broad daylight.
That is an interesting graph and very telling. I'd have to look back through my pics through the years to be sure but at first glance your graph pretty closely parallels what I typically see.
I have a few suspicions about the change this year on my place. One is a clear cut a few hundred yards away on public land. It just this summer reached a maturity level where bucks could navigate through it.Until now it was too thick for antlered bucks. They'd skirt it but didn't seem to like going in. This year they can and do.
My other suspicion is poacher pressure. I live 6.5hrs from the property so I'm not there enough to keep an eye on it. There's been a chronic poaching problem in the area for a long time but for the past several years it's been quiet. On my latest trip up there a week ago I found a dead doe in a plot, under one of my busiest scrapes. A review of the camera showed she was shot and died right there, but nobody on camera. I don't know if they shot from afar & turned away when they realized she was lying dead in front of a camera, or if they never had any intention of retrieving her. But there she was rotting away at a scrape that usually is pretty hot. It's hard not to think that isn't an isolated event, that somebody has begun hunting my place when I'm not around. It would sure explain the terrible hunting I experienced this year. But before I go too far blaming anybody else, I lined my property perimeter with cams. If a turkey farts I'll know it.