One more thing about buck movement, range shifting, etc.
As has been mentioned, pregnant does take over the the very best habitat creating "doe sinks" where nothing older than a yearling buck is allowed to be in proximity.
But this is not the only reason buck sightings commonly go down during May thru July. Growing antlers are apparently extremely sensitive to touch, as in intense pain if they brush against something hard or sharp. Imagine wearing your testicles on your head and running thru the woods, or a briar patch, etc.
Bucks usually group into bachelor groups, kinda looking out for each other during this time they may feel more vulnerable due to the pain if something touches their "velvet" antlers. They just don't move around as much until those antlers begin hardening and are no longer sensitive to touch.
So right now, they're not only just NOT where the does are having their fawns, but these bucks are also NOT most other places either. They're concentrated in a small portion of what was their range and will become their range once their antlers harden. As to 2 1/2 & older bucks, you either have several right now, or none at all. This all starts rapidly changing in September when the bucks' new antlers become hard.