Buffalo River Refuge unit 2 report

Absolutely correct. And the neighbors are trying to manage for top-end bucks.

Have you seen the harvest numbers for the original BRR? Crazy, impossibly high. They are killing "their" bucks and everybody else's too.
This makes no sense. Do as I say not as I do. I am sure a lot of good comes from taking kids and wounded warriors on a quality deer hunt. The racket I heard coming from all the double cab side by sides dropping hunters off and picking them up seems like it would run any mature bucks out of the country. Does TWRA really know how to manage the states deer herd?

I am still trying to wrap my head around earn a buck in the CWD zone. Now that Benton is added to restricted. I can bring CWD zone deer home and clean them in my yard. The same yard I can feed deer in if a certain distance from the house. Definitely a dilemma. I shot a button fawn and a doe and a decent 6 point yesterday and dropped the heads off in Carrol County and earned 2 tags for antlered bucks in the CWD . Go figure. When the rest of the state has people wanting a one buck limit.
Not a single squirrel on it, lol jk, took the kids up there last year for a squirrel hunt, volunteers with dogs had parties with 4 or 5 hunters, twra Agent it was fun, but nobody got a shot off at a squirrel that day. Beautiful property though!