Bushnell Trophy Cam

Hillbilly the Reconyx are made in the USA and are based in Wisconsin. As far as the one year warranty I can guaruntee you that if you have a problem with your camera, in warranty or not you will be very pleased with the customer service. I have seen postings on other forums where a customer sent in a 5 year old camera for a problem and the total bill was 0 (zero) dollars.

People are still using cameras made in 2002-2003 by Reconyx that are still working like they did when they bought them.
Hillbilly Hunter said:
That is what I need to hear. Now, if I could find me a $300 coupon I would be in business! :D

You got that right! I just cannot justify nor will I take a chance of someone stealing a $500+ camera in the woods. I know the "made in china cameras" are not much, but I will just have to make due. No doubt the Reconyx are great cameras and I would love one if I had it, but I just can't/won't spend that kind of money on a game camera.
Sounds like most folks have had pretty food luck with reconyx.

You wont regret it....if you get one, you must get a black flash. Spending that much money for a red glow defeats the purpose of getting one, except for the high quality of the cam