Busting the flock - article

Dang its like Setterman has multiple personalities that have logins here. :laugh: Catman, if you had a liscense in your pocket and where on public property that was your bird to shoot whether he was on the limb or on the ground as long as light was legal. No game laws where broken from what I gather and nobody got their panties in a bunch over it in the field(unlike on here). Now I myself would not shoot one from a tree UNLESS its was say 10am and he was still there or he flew from the ground up to the tree during a hunt. I know and understand why you did it but it is really none of my business or anyobody elses why you did it. Life lessons are not learned in 1 turkey season. Keep on huntin brother.
I may go out to a WMA this fall just to watch a bunch of crazy men running through the woods with their guns above their heads!

But seriously,this does work. :D