I run red led cameras, and have always had negative reaction from deer. They often spook and run off in my pictures when they see the LED's. I even considered going back to flash cameras, but I love the extended battery life with the led cameras. I am too cheap to buy black flash cameras. Someone posted a link to a video seminar on trail cameras. I watched that and the guy stated that they had found putting cameras at least 6ft high and tilting them downward produced much less instances of deer spooking from the red leds. This year, I have tried that. I run 5 cameras. I put all of them at 6ft. At 6ft,I can still deer in the background at a long distance. I have looked through approximately 8000 pictures, so far no one instance of a deer being spooked. There are some pics of deer noticing the red glow, but after looking at if for a couple of seconds, they go back to normal activity. So far, I am very pleased with the results.