In a word, yes. But there are caveats. You need enough acreage to encompass their entire range to keep them alive, have comprehensive habitat management plans, and be willing to spend the money it's going to take for the long term project that it will be. If you're lacking in any one of those areas then you're wasting time and money.
It's not as easy as putting high dollar protein pellets in a feeder then next year having a giant. What everyone seems to ignore is that it's epidemic, not genetics that make bigger racks. You have to create an environment where generations of does are beyond healthy and safe with no competition or hardships. That takes several years. All the while you've got to keep the population at or below carry capacity, which means killing a lot of deer. But eventually after several generations of does being at pinnacle health, their buck offspring will grow noticeably larger racks. There's a WHOLE LOT more to it than 99.9% of hunters can reasonably achieve. I'd guess you're looking probably six figures annually if you count mortgage, taxes, management executions, and lastly feed. Good idea in theory and some farms actually achieve it, but for most of us it's a pipe dream.