Changing heads

How much you want for your Rage heads? I call dibs if your gonna sell them!!

For any bow over 280 fps...I don't recommend a fixed head with a diameter of over 1 1/8 cut, and most all of the top tuning experts will tell you the same. That's why the G5 Stalkers, Slick Tricks, and such have gone big time in sales...they just flat shoot good.

I have some 100 grn Slick Tricks I'd do some trade work with you on those Rages :)
Crow Terminator said:
How much you want for your Rage heads? I call dibs if your gonna sell them!!

For any bow over 280 fps...I don't recommend a fixed head with a diameter of over 1 1/8 cut, and most all of the top tuning experts will tell you the same. That's why the G5 Stalkers, Slick Tricks, and such have gone big time in sales...they just flat shoot good.

I have some 100 grn Slick Tricks I'd do some trade work with you on those Rages :)

Well I'm shooting well over 280fps but why a smaller cutting diameter?
haha sorry about the rages my buddy already bought them up. I cant stand them evertime i shot a deer this past year the blades either broke or bent?
Im switching to slick tricks this year..Been shooting Muzzy 3 blade 100grs for past 2 years,they fly ok,but I wanna play the field/switch it up....LOL
I tried rages last year because of all the hype and I did not like them at all. Shot 4 deer with them last year and only one was a pass through. And I lost my first deer with them. I will be going back to trophy ridge meat seekers or trying slick tricks this year.
Cclements86 said:
Crow Terminator said:
How much you want for your Rage heads? I call dibs if your gonna sell them!!

For any bow over 280 fps...I don't recommend a fixed head with a diameter of over 1 1/8 cut, and most all of the top tuning experts will tell you the same. That's why the G5 Stalkers, Slick Tricks, and such have gone big time in sales...they just flat shoot good.

I have some 100 grn Slick Tricks I'd do some trade work with you on those Rages :)

Well I'm shooting well over 280fps but why a smaller cutting diameter?
haha sorry about the rages my buddy already bought them up. I cant stand them evertime i shot a deer this past year the blades either broke or bent?

A smaller cutting diameter with a fixed blade creates less wind resistance and is less prone to wind plane at higher speeds because of the lower profile .
I have had good results with Slick tricks and G5 Strikers and I would give the nod to the Strikers based on blade sharpness over the Slick Tricks . Both fly very well.
Radar said:
I have had good results with Slick tricks and G5 Strikers and I would give the nod to the Strikers based on blade sharpness over the Slick Tricks . Both fly very well.
I feel the same way. Both are great shooting heads. I think the G5's hold up better but they also cost more.
I've not shot the Strikers but want to. The Tricks are good flying but they don't hold up good either. I bent some of my blades by just shooting into my Rinehart 18-1 target.

I highly recommend Joe Bell's (Bow & Arrow Hunting mag editor) book "Technical Bowhunting". He is a big fan of the small diameter heads and since he lives out west, they practice a lot of 60 and 70 yard shots. They have several pics of groups with those smaller diameter heads that rival most folk's groups at 40 with field tips. Joe is not a fan of mechanical heads either. That's the only real time I've came to a different opinion than him on tuning and shooting. I was that way until last year...I tried the Rages and was very impressed with them.
Crow Terminator said:
I've not shot the Strikers but want to. The Tricks are good flying but they don't hold up good either. I bent some of my blades by just shooting into my Rinehart 18-1 target.

I highly recommend Joe Bell's (Bow & Arrow Hunting mag editor) book "Technical Bowhunting". He is a big fan of the small diameter heads and since he lives out west, they practice a lot of 60 and 70 yard shots. They have several pics of groups with those smaller diameter heads that rival most folk's groups at 40 with field tips. Joe is not a fan of mechanical heads either. That's the only real time I've came to a different opinion than him on tuning and shooting. I was that way until last year...I tried the Rages and was very impressed with them.

Slick tricks have some of the strongest blades I have shot . Much stronger than the Rage heads . Unless you shot into another broadhead stuck in the target , the blades are hard to bend or break. I did break a ferrule once when another arrow struck the backside of the blades of the head in the target.
They sent me another head , free of charge .
I have never bent or broken a blade on a slick trick unless I struck a hard object like a rock , etc.
BTW, I read every article that Joe Bell writes in Bow and Arrow magazine . He is a very good technical and tuning expert .
Radar -- Which Trick were you shooting? I only had the Magnums and I don't have any of the regular Tricks but I'm wondering if that could have been the difference.

My 18-1 is soft foam and when I'm shooting fixed heads, I don't group shoot with them, so I wasn't hitting anything hard in the target. I bent every blade I shot into the target and even broke one of them. I think I kept all of them in my archery box. If I still got 'em I will dig them out and take a pic.