Class action lawsuit


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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So what do ya'll think about the players sueing the nfl because of the brain damage caused by years of repeated brain injuries?

They didn't know they could get brain damage so it is the nfl's fault.

What say ye ?
Its dumb that's like becoming a cop or going into the military And getting hurt on the job and saying you didn't Know they was a chance of that really??

I Guess if people like watching Flag football it will be Ok, Because now so many players are getting Bad leg injuries Since they took the high Hit away, NOW there gonna take the low hit away:/ Its coming watch.
You work a job where injuries are a part of the job. You get injured and are told by your employer that you are ok and to get back to work. You later find out that was bad medical advice and that your employers knew of the long term health damage posed by the injuries you repeatedly suffered but (a) didn't tell you about and (b) made you continue working in unsafe conditions. Yeah, those players you love and cheered for in high school, college, and the pros don't deserve a penney. Geez.
Gravey":21xjity1 said:
I say its a bunch of bull. If you play a violent game then you should expect some possible issues when your playing days are done. Its a chance you take to make millions.
This +1

And that's why they make millions.
Poser":3ngnktzg said:
It appears that the NFL may have suppressed research and studies regarding brain injuries. if that is the case, they are certainly justified in perusing legal recourse.

yes, this is the issue.