We've just purchased 77 acres that borders our 53 acres (so now 130 acres total). It has a solid stand of mature timber (probably 40-50 years since being cut). I'm meeting with a timber guy tomorrow so your advice is greatly appreciated. My goal is to maximize deer habitat. We will never have the opportunity again to cut timber because it came with a 7 year easement to take it out on the opposite side. After 7 years that's gone and no where else we can take out timber…so this is a one and done. I'm considering a clear cut. I know it looks bad, but I won't be able to see it from our house with a buffer of timber on our original 53 acres, so no issue with aesthetics. It's bordered on opposite sides by agriculture on north and south sides (rotating soybeans and corn). The east side opposite our 53 acres is mostly mature hardwoods. My understanding is I'll lose the first year of hunting to nocturnal movement due to no cover, but then comes on really strong in year two and forward. I'll probably even clear off about 2-3 acres in the middle and try to keep it bush hogged about every other year or so for fresh growth of native vegetation. Would love your feedback from those with first hand experience, either doing it on your own land, or having experience hunting other land done this way…versus doing a select cut. Thanks.