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Cold front coming in


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2022
Ten Mile
Looks like a mild cold front is coming in to E. TN; forecasted for Monday night through at least next Sunday. Lows in the high 40's/ low 50's; so not truly cold but a 10+ degree drop from the day before. The Hunter's Moon is next Thursday; if the cold front hangs around till then could get those bucks to moving more during the day or just coming out a little more during shooting hours. Crossing my fingers, and warning the boss now I may be sick next week.
Funny story. Moved from Ohio to Texas. Well Ohio can and does get bitter cold in the winter, Lived right close to Lake Erie. Bitter cold, lots of snow.
When I moved to Texas it was in June, hot as all Hades. September comes along, got a little cooler. Went to work one morning towards end of September/Early October, temp was in high 50's, and to me that was pretty warm. So I had my usual work uniform with short sleeve shirt. I was the first one to come in beside the service manager, and he had the coffee pot going. I always liked to get to work about half hour early to have coffee and just relax before hell breaks loose. Anyway, I'm sitting at the break table when a few of the other guys start coming in. I notice they are wearing heavy jackets. So I'm wondering, did the temperature pummet since I came in or what. I decide to go outside and see for myself what happened. I get outside, and seems pretty nice and comfortable to me. So I ask the guys, whats the deal with the heavy jackets? Is it supposed to get cold today? Here comes the answer. That's pretty cold out there. And I finally realize when temps get below 60-70 in Texas, that's cold. They thought I was crazy for coming in with no jacket.