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Colorado Apps due today!!

Buzzard Breath

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
Maury County
I was thinking Colorado wasn't due until the end of the week. I would have been wrong. They are due today!!! I sent in for a point for deer.
They got no money from me and won't until every dam one of their elected, democratic polesmokers, gets a copy of the constitution and bill of rights and reads it.
UPSman said:
They got no money from me and won't until every dam one of their elected, democratic polesmokers, gets a copy of the constitution and bill of rights and reads it.

Haha, I wish everyone else felt that way. Then the deer muzzleloader permits would be a little easier to draw.

Just forget the license and go hunt the federal land, then claim you were to high and forgot to buy a tag. Forgiveness over permission man
If I wouldn't lose my 2000 already spent in the state on my oct elk hunt I would not go. However, the other way to look at it is that you are leaving anyone there (outfitters/ reps/ conservation officers) without any support from outside the state. Just my opinion.
JMO, but if you look at a political boundary map of Colorado, you'll notice that most of the state is conservative and supports the same causes that we do. It's the larger metro areas that are the more liberal areas (ie - Denver). These just happen to have the largest population bases. Since I typically support local small businesses here at home as well as when I am in Colorado hunting and fishing, I'm supporting the same people that are voting for our rights. The small shops and diners I frequent while I'm out there are typically owned by hunters and fishermen like myself. If I was to boycott Colorado, I would only be hurting the people that are voting to support our rights. They need our support.
Since I cannot vote in the state of Colorado and show my displeasure of their elected officials stupidity, I will not spend money there. Easy nuff.

Although I do agree to some extent of what you're saying.
UPSman said:
Since I cannot vote in the state of Colorado and show my displeasure of their elected officials stupidity, I will not spend money there. Easy nuff.

Although I do agree to some extent of what you're saying.

Serious question; How would you not hunting in CO show your displeasure? Assuming your tag fees went to the state game and fish dept, you hunted public land, and spent very little on lodging and fuel. You could bring in your own food and other provisions. Im am not fully aware of all of CO political stances, nor am I advocating for them or defending either...just curious why the strong feelings.

I would look at it this way, I can utilize your (CO) resources and you (CO) would benefit very little from it. That is more of a kick below the belt IMO...however, if you feel the same way about CO as I do about Connecticut, California, and New York then I completely understand!
I love Colorado, beautiful place and have met some great folks. I could easily go out there a make a small economic footprint on a hunting trip. Colorado won't miss me at all. But, I'd dare say what they will miss are all the folks like me who dont go there and spend real money in their state. Hopefully we can get enough of the "it doesn't affect me" voters to wake up realize it does affect them and to make their voice heard by voting these liberal pukes out of office.
Problem started in late '80's when folks from California started selling out and moving to Colorado en mass. Many had moved to Ca straight out of college in 60's and went to work for GE, Boeing, etc..Homes they bought for $30K, sold for $3M when they retired.They had way more money than sense and bought ranchettes left and right in Co. I remember seeing lots of anti-California bumper stickers on locals trucks back then. Once enough of the liberals landed there, the first thing they voted out was baiting bears; then it was spring bear season altogether. Afterwards, I always found it entertining to pick up an Vail newspaper and read about some poodle dog being eaten by a bear next to the dumpster at McDonalds.

Started hunting in Co in mid-70's and still continue to do so. Have hunted all the western states, but Colorado is still my favorite to hunt by a long shot. Sad times there though politically....
I already won't spend a nickel in CO because of their ban on foothold traps.

Outdoor dollars are huge in CO, and dollars speak. If everybody from out of state stopped hunting there, the ripple effect would be catastrophic, and mouthpiece politicians would quickly reconsider anti gun positions, or be replaced. You can say city folk won't care about the outdoor industry, but you can bet they will start to care when they start getting hit in th pocketbook. When funding to their interests is cut due to lack of revenue.

But as long as folk keep spending money there, you're right, they won't care and nothing will happen.
UPSman said:
I love Colorado, beautiful place and have met some great folks. I could easily go out there a make a small economic footprint on a hunting trip. Colorado won't miss me at all. But, I'd dare say what they will miss are all the folks like me who dont go there and spend real money in their state. Hopefully we can get enough of the "it doesn't affect me" voters to wake up realize it does affect them and to make their voice heard by voting these liberal pukes out of office.

Great point! I have a cousin who landed a job in CO, became a liberal for the most part...just lost his job, now he is moving back to New Orleans. I guess the liberal thing didnt work for him.

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