Confession time

Great post, Jim. It mirrors my feeling about hunting the black devils as well. The blind/decoy deal is a great way to kill a bird, but for me, I'd opt to take a nap instead to re-inergize for chasing and calling. I sat on green field yesterday evening for several hours until I kept hearing a bird gobble. He was shut up by the time I got there, but I think I did find a great tree for a ladderstand for deer season in the process.

The birds I'm playing with are either totally shutmouth or are gobbling a little on the roost and shutting up when they hit the ground. But, I'm seeing a bunch of gobbler tracks, so hopefully one morning soon it will be "right".
scn":sy6hmqen said:
Great post, Jim. It mirrors my feeling about hunting the black devils as well. The blind/decoy deal is a great way to kill a bird, but for me, I'd opt to take a nap instead to re-inergize for chasing and calling. I sat on green field yesterday evening for several hours until I kept hearing a bird gobble. He was shut up by the time I got there, but I think I did find a great tree for a ladderstand for deer season in the process.

The birds I'm playing with are either totally shutmouth or are gobbling a little on the roost and shutting up when they hit the ground. But, I'm seeing a bunch of gobbler tracks, so hopefully one morning soon it will be "right".
scn similar gobbling here. Quieter than usual, but there's that occasional bird or two that gets fired up. I don't get to hunt much sunrise anymore , I'm usually in the woods by 10 am

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I have killed them using decoys but never a blind. So where does that leave me?

Sent from this smart thingamajig using tapatalk.
Man I hate blind hunting for them as well, but you guys that hate them because "its so easy" must have the dumbest turkeys in the whole world. There is no slam dunk with decoys, blinds or even live turkeys feeding all day in front of your blind. If its really that easy, maybe turkeys really do smell and I stink like a predator?
AllOutdoors":1vw31ulo said:
I have killed them using decoys but never a blind. So where does that leave me?

Sent from this smart thingamajig using tapatalk.

It makes you a turkey hunter. There is absolutly no shame in decoys or blinds, I and some other just prefer not to for different reasons. (im too lazy to carry that stuff most times)
Cowman71":hdgxgl0m said:
Your a better man than me Setterman. The few friends I have that use decoys and blinds no better than to ever invite me :D Besides, I could never stoop as low as to hunt there "pet" turkeys anyways ;)

It's you're, know and their. Since you know everything else, I figured you should use proper grammar.
Ok Setterman(Captin Hook )......Since blinds and decoys were made to help make turkey hunting be more successful for some lets apply your logic that you have preached for some time to art of deer hunting. Lets just say that deer calls(grunt,bleat,etc),cover scents,sent lures,camo clothing,commercial tree and tower stands,scopes,food plots just for deer hunting over,compound bows, rattling bags or horns and all other products that have been designed to help improve the odds of a hunter killing a buck deer were outlawed and not able to be used to hunt with. To use your logic anything that is designed to increase your odds of success should not be used. I would bet that for the most part you probably have used most if not all of them. So would that make you much less of a hunter than you think you are?
Even turkey calls are made to make turkey hunting more successful so if they outlawed all commercial turkey calls and can only use natural devices for calling such as made from bone or cedar or whatever then we might as well go back to slingshots and spears ! I have hunted with decoys and from blinds and I will tell you I have never had the easy experience that you had. As a matter of fact a decoy at times can cost you a turkey . I have had them work as much against me as much as they have worked for me. To each his own if it is legal I have no problem with it.
MRUTVOL":5ilwwx2v said:
Ok Setterman(Captin Hook )......Since blinds and decoys were made to help make turkey hunting be more successful for some lets apply your logic that you have preached for some time to art of deer hunting. Lets just say that deer calls(grunt,bleat,etc),cover scents,sent lures,camo clothing,commercial tree and tower stands,scopes,food plots just for deer hunting over,compound bows, rattling bags or horns and all other products that have been designed to help improve the odds of a hunter killing a buck deer were outlawed and not able to be used to hunt with. To use your logic anything that is designed to increase your odds of success should not be used. I would bet that for the most part you probably have used most if not all of them. So would that make you much less of a hunter than you think you are?
Even turkey calls are made to make turkey hunting more successful so if they outlawed all commercial turkey calls and can only use natural devices for calling such as made from bone or cedar or whatever then we might as well go back to slingshots and spears ! I have hunted with decoys and from blinds and I will tell you I have never had the easy experience that you had. As a matter of fact a decoy at times can cost you a turkey . I have had them work as much against me as much as they have worked for me. To each his own if it is legal I have no problem with it.

I haven't read all the discussions, but I don't remember ever seeing Setterman saying that blind and decoys shouldn't be used. He just says that they aren't for him. I've used both, and tend to agree with him. For me, it was sort of like watching paint dry. I'd rather sleep in than do it that way. But, for those that enjoy that type of hunting, more power to them. It certainly doesn't mean that they are wrong, and likely they will kill more turkeys than I will.
MRUTVOL":3sgv7zji said:
Ok Setterman(Captin Hook )......Since blinds and decoys were made to help make turkey hunting be more successful for some lets apply your logic that you have preached for some time to art of deer hunting. Lets just say that deer calls(grunt,bleat,etc),cover scents,sent lures,camo clothing,commercial tree and tower stands,scopes,food plots just for deer hunting over,compound bows, rattling bags or horns and all other products that have been designed to help improve the odds of a hunter killing a buck deer were outlawed and not able to be used to hunt with. To use your logic anything that is designed to increase your odds of success should not be used. I would bet that for the most part you probably have used most if not all of them. So would that make you much less of a hunter than you think you are?
Even turkey calls are made to make turkey hunting more successful so if they outlawed all commercial turkey calls and can only use natural devices for calling such as made from bone or cedar or whatever then we might as well go back to slingshots and spears ! I have hunted with decoys and from blinds and I will tell you I have never had the easy experience that you had. As a matter of fact a decoy at times can cost you a turkey . I have had them work as much against me as much as they have worked for me. To each his own if it is legal I have no problem with it.

What does deer hunting have to do with turkey hunting? Nothing is the answer deer hunting is a completely separate deal, and not even remotely relevant to a conversation about hunting turkeys. I think this comparison happens, because a lot of turkey hunters became turkey hunters well after they hunted deer already. When I grew up the two were separate, and every one I know/knew used deer to pass time and provide meat until turkey season opened up. We are turkey hunters who deer hunt some but it's just something to do in the off season.

Do I believe that sitting in a blind helps you hide from turkeys, and get away with conversations, movement, etc? Yes, and it takes away a huge part of what makes turkey hunting challenging when done with nothing but a tree to lean against.

Do I believe decoys render calling insignificant and unnecessary basically eliminating another major challenge hunters face? Yep, knowing when to call, what call to make, which call to use, how loud, how soft, and how often are eliminated when all the bird has to do is see the decoys and he's on his way.

Do I believe camping in one spot staring at plastic turkeys while inside a fabric prison is not even close to the same as on the move with a couple of calls, shotgun, and nothing to hide yourself except whatever natural cover is nearby? Yep, they are not even close to the same in terms of challenge, fitness requirements, etc.

Do I believe that by eliminating one of the most challenging aspects of a turkey hunt which is choosing the best set up on a vocal bird in the woods, by camping in a blind makes things dramatically easier then having to make quick judgements as a bird closes ground to your calling? You bet I do.

So yes, I believe turkey hunting with the aid of blinds and decoys is dramatically easier then a more traditional approach. Easier to the point where after seeing it all I could do was laugh at how simplistic that form of hunting is, and something I have zero interest in ever being a part of again. Simple other than the absurd amount of gear required.

I'm not saying the hunters employ these tactics are bad hunters, bad people, nor do I wish to disrespect that style as it is effective but the fact remains it takes most of the challenging aspects of turkey hunting and eliminates them IMO.

FOR ME, it took all the enjoyment out of why I turkey hunt, and I was not entertained in the least other than by the conversations we were able to have while being completed concealed and being without worry of being busted by an otherwise wary animal due to the fabric prison and his attention focused on a Chinese made plastic turkey
Setterman":3fvisnu4 said:
What does deer hunting have to do with turkey hunting? Nothing is the answer deer hunting is a completely separate deal, and not even remotely relevant to a conversation about hunting turkeys. I think this comparison happens, because a lot of turkey hunters became turkey hunters well after they hunted deer already. When I grew up the two were separate, and every one I know/knew used deer to pass time and provide meat until turkey season opened up. We are turkey hunters who deer hunt some but it's just something to do in the off season.

Setterman (Captain Hook) Reason I used deer hunting as example was to show all the different things that are used and have been developed over time to improve the chances of success just like the use of decoys and blinds for turkeys. I could have picked any number of hunted species where methods are used to improve odds of success. If you feel that those methods lessen the experience or make you less of a hunter then you should feel the same about any other technology that is used to improve your odds of success hunting any other species and not just turkeys.You have over the years berated the use of them just because you do not like it. The reason I use the "Captain Hook " reference is because us old timers that are left remember your days when you had that user ID b/4 you , lets say went on a vacation. A lot of the Johnny come lately members never had the honor of your earlier knowledge. That is all I have to say about the subject....Good Day !