Times change. Nothing, absolutely nothing, ever remains the same.
In the early 1960's and all the years before that in America it was perfectly okay to go where you pleased, unless, of course, the land was privately posted as "no trespassing". And those no trespassing signs were extremely rare. If we wanted to hunt a particular piece of ground, and there were no signs saying that we couldn't, we went and did it. No special permission needed. No questions asked.
Then, I went off to a place called Vietnam. When I returned the world had changed. I took my little brother to a farm that our family had hunted for years. There were no signs. I drove down a well used farm road that I had been on dozens of times before, and parked beside a large field. We went off into the woods. Shortly, a young man came running up to us. He informed us that my car had been blocked in with tractors and the police had been called because we were trespassing. These were new farmers that had taken over the place, not the old family that had lived there for many years.
The land is no longer open like it once was. I understand why people close off their property when they have had fences broken down or cut, gates left open, crops trampled, and trash thrown about. Places available to the general population for hunting and fishing have shrunk; mainly, I think, because of a burgeoning population, but also because of the ignorance and ill consideration of others. For whatever reason, it is or already has come down to the have's and the have not's.
I'm certainly not condoning trespassing, but it seems to me that it is beginning to look like the old feudal European system of the royalty and wealthy noblemen having all the hunting rights and the poor peasants having to sneak around and poach if they want meat. Hunting is rapidly becoming a rich man's game once again.
The very basic problem as I see it, the very bottom line, is that there are simply too damn many people in the world. We are over-crowded, and tempers are getting short.
I have no problem with shooting a dog that is killing livestock or causing some other serious property damage. Everyone has the right to protect what is theirs. However, I will state that if someone ever shot my dog just because it was on their property, then that person would be in serious physical jeopardy. Such a thing could be the start of an old time feud similar to the Hatfields and McCoys.
Well, I suppose it is what it is. It is just a sad state of affairs. So, I'm not taking a stand one way or the other on the trespassing issue. Times have changed and I'm old and my time is past.