Country ham

Mike Belt":qmtic1j7 said:
We used to kill hogs every Fall. We almost had Memphis State come out and film a dying southern art while we were scalding and butchering them but they backed out. Cured our own hams and slabs of bacon also. Made our own sausage. Man those fresh tenderloins fried up were great but you have to be careful eating green pork.

My granny talks about their hog killing days when she was a girl. She said her dad would have the hams hanging in the smoke house curing, he sold a lot of those for money back then. She said they canned sausage and tenderloin, etc. They had a big black pot that they would cook the lard in. She said there isn't anything better than canned sausage. A year later it's as fresh as the day they fried it. They would fry up the sausage and put it in a jar and pour grease over top of it and turn it upside down and the grease would seal it.
We never tried canning any pork. I do know that there's a difference in night and day between home processed and store bought.
we killed and processed five ourselves the other day.salted the meat down and ground all the sausage ourselves.been doing this for better meat anywhere

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