I also run mine pretty hot. Like you, I don't want to miss anything and I can ignore anything I don't need to pay attention to. I can ignore the ghost tree, but the problem is the fish disappear behind it at the exact moment I need to present my jig to them. We aren't casting to schools of black crappie or brushpiles. We are targeting single white crappie in open water by driving the jig into the fish. The current relationship of my seat, transducer, and rod length puts the fish directly behind the ghost tree. I tried the 8 degree transducer and did not like it, so I went back to the zero degree. Next trip I am going to try my offset seat pole that will get me 8" closer to the trolling motor and a 16' pole. My transducer mount puts the transducer 6" in front of the trolling motor. I'm going to try a different mount that spaces the transducer directly beside the shaft so you can use a zero degree and not get interference from the trolling motor. Those 3 things will get my jig 2 feet further away and I'm hoping I will catch the fish before he gets to the ghost tree. Soon the fish will be back out in deeper water and none of this will matter.