couple of mature bucks

woodchuckc said:
Nice bucks woodchuckc! That one with a kicker off his right G2 is very similar to one we had pics of last year as a 3 1/2

Hey - it might possibly be the same buck! It is probably not over 7-8 miles as the crow flies from your place, if it is down by the 4-Way. As I mentioned, I never have gotten a picture of him before, so he had to have moved in from somewhere. I've got 3000 acres of former timber company land directly behind me, so it is also certainly possible he just shifted over to visit my place from there.

I will have to look at him again and I might try to post pics of him later this evening on here. I doubt its the same one, but you never know! I had pics of him alot in 2009. Then last summer, he came into one of my salt licks around mid-Sept (I believe) for about 15 minutes, then thats it, never seen him again. They have the same features - Long beams and tines, with the kicker. Brows were a little longer, if I remember correctly. I will check and see. Boy would it be really interesting if a buck made if from the Wades Branch / Milan Branch rd's off E. Beaverdam all the way towards Pleasantville. I'd hate it for me :D but hope you get a chance at him before he gets too old to kill

Well, you're probably only about 4-5 miles as the crow flies (I'm near Nacome Camp), so it is possible. However, if your buck had longer brow tines it probably isn't the same one though since I don't think he is old enough to start having rack shrinkage this year. There are a few bucks around my place with decent brow tines, but the does in my area seem to have a short or absent brow tine gene as many even mature bucks have very short or no brows. :(
woodchuckc said:
woodchuckc said:
Nice bucks woodchuckc! That one with a kicker off his right G2 is very similar to one we had pics of last year as a 3 1/2

Hey - it might possibly be the same buck! It is probably not over 7-8 miles as the crow flies from your place, if it is down by the 4-Way. As I mentioned, I never have gotten a picture of him before, so he had to have moved in from somewhere. I've got 3000 acres of former timber company land directly behind me, so it is also certainly possible he just shifted over to visit my place from there.

I will have to look at him again and I might try to post pics of him later this evening on here. I doubt its the same one, but you never know! I had pics of him alot in 2009. Then last summer, he came into one of my salt licks around mid-Sept (I believe) for about 15 minutes, then thats it, never seen him again. They have the same features - Long beams and tines, with the kicker. Brows were a little longer, if I remember correctly. I will check and see. Boy would it be really interesting if a buck made if from the Wades Branch / Milan Branch rd's off E. Beaverdam all the way towards Pleasantville. I'd hate it for me :D but hope you get a chance at him before he gets too old to kill

Well, you're probably only about 4-5 miles as the crow flies (I'm near Nacome Camp), so it is possible. However, if your buck had longer brow tines it probably isn't the same one though since I don't think he is old enough to start having rack shrinkage this year. There are a few bucks around my place with decent brow tines, but the does in my area seem to have a short or absent brow tine gene as many even mature bucks have very short or no brows. :(

I agree, since brows are one of the biggest indicators of the same deer year to year and that he would be a 4 1/2, they should be as long or longer, atleast configured the same way. We had the "left browtine only" bucks for the first couple years of owning our place, but we also hammered the does the first couple years as well. We are now seeing really nice browtines usually. And since you cant really change genes, I'm just glad we are where we are at, with the majority of the racks. Of course, your always going to have the bucks that look like the stuck their head into a blender.
W.Seay said:
i would shoot the one with the split!

I would shoot either one, if they give me a chance! :)

Heck, I would go against my tradition of only shooting one buck a year if both of them present themselves (on different days, of course)! :grin:
Arkboy said:
Woodchuckc...... which WG camera is that??

It is an X6C. I had a couple of IR4's and one broke down last year, and I sent it back for warranty repair. I was surprised when I opened the box I got in return - they had sent a new X6C as a replacement. I keep cameras out year round, and this one has been out since last fall with no hiccups.

I like it pretty well. It takes great daytime pictures, and decent night ones. I never have used it to take movies. Battery life is pretty decent and the detection range is good. Downsides are no burst mode, and it is not the fastest trigger but it does well over a salt lick.
Thanks! I have 2 of the Ir 5d's.... and the nightime pics absolutely SUCK!!! I hate the cameras! The batteries get drained in no time and then when it goes basically in sleep mode you cant get the dang thing to take a pic!!! Even if you jump all around in front of it!