Crappy gobbling year?

Gobbling has been really good for us this year. Should have killed #5 on Monday, but missed. Day started cloudy and heard one bird on roost. But once the sun popped out at 7:00, it was ON! I have never in my life heard so much gobbling. I was literally running around the tree like a squirrel. I would set one way and another behind would gobble closer, then again, then I'd move again, then again. We had one bird that gobbled 47 times in a row non stop. I mean as fast as he could breath, he would gobble. It was unreal. Then Tues was worse, then Wed worse, then Thurs, bad, then Fri really bad, and now nothing...

Did get my step dad on his #2 bird Friday morning, it he never said a word. Just showed up behind us. (2 yr old bird)

This is all in the MS River bottoms. Some public some private.
I know there will still be birds gobbling to attract hens deep into May and even June. What I don't know is if toms can somehow tell when the turkey rut is over and just quit looking/gobbling. Widespread reports in my area of nests and setting hens right now. Anyone know if toms can tell when it's not worth the risk (predators or hunters) to gobble vs. the reward of attracting another girlfriend?
Of the 2 birds I killed one gobbled a lot and one didn't gobble. That being said, the public i hunt the birds are generally tight lipped and when they are not, the googans come out the wood work.

I have hunted at my brothers place a handful of times in Wilson county. The birds do not come on his place much but are on the surrounding properties. Every time I've been there I hear multiple birds gobble and the last few times I have a bird gobble easily 50-100 times. They are with hens. They gobble mostly on the limb but do gobble on the ground, but the dang hens keep taking them the other way. I honestly have enjoyed those hunts more than the 2nd bird I killed that didn't gobble.
MS season ended last week....

My official totals...

137 miles hiked in MS

0 roost gobbles.

Struck 5 birds mid morning, all 5 gobbled great on the ground and all came right in gobbling the whole way, except one hung up at 75 yards and refused to commit.

0 gobbles after noon.

0 gobbles after April 1st.

1 Tom came in silent, 2 jakes came in caulking, 3 jakes came in silent, and 2 unknown male birds (prob jakes) came in purring excitedly, but never peeked more than their heads and wattles over the rise.

WAY less gobbling than last year.

TN season was about average. Nothing spectacular on the roost, some gobbling midmorning. Usually tagged out by mid morning, so I didn't get to hunt as much in the afternoon as usual, but I didn't hear any afternoon gobbling or gobbling after flyup in the evenings on 3 or 4 afternoons I hunted.

Perfect gobbling weather for my TN hunts, I would have expected to hear more this year with such fine mornings I hunted.

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