I am quite familiar witht he Brush Creek area. Most of the folks from back then are gone now. Uncl Lester is still going strong and we usually get together once a year, somewhere and cook something and catch a fish.
We had a camp back in the swamp you usually could only reach by boat. It was built on pilings and was 12-feet off the ground on a large island. We would tie bateaus in a line with all our equipment and dogs etc. and go in and stay for up to two weeks, mostly eating what we killed or caught. One boat would pull two equipment boats. Had crawfish traps and trotlines all over the place. Shot deer, ducks and squirrels in the fall, caught crappie, bream and bass on rod and reel, catfish on the lines and crawperch in the traps. Lived well.
That camp is now a huge bean field. They built flood control canals and drained the swamp. Some of the area is a WMA. Back in the 50's, you could hunt two weeks and never see another person. Now, the road is paved right through the middle of it.