Craziest bow kill EVER

I killed my first deer at AEDC in 1981.
I killed my 300th last year.
I have every kill tag number, date, picture (most videos), place it was killed, temperature, wound channel, affected organs, distance of shot, distance to recovery, what type of bow/broadhead, arrow etc., dressed weight of deer, and lots of other notes/pics/videos.

I killed my 321st deer today. A fat doe!

Mostly public land DIY.
The biggest mistake I see bowhunters make is really simple.
Many simply do not understand anatomy and blood trailing.

Too many deer are lost every year because bowhunters do not make proper decisions on recovering fatally wounded deer.

It took me years to understand.
Too many deer are lost every year because bowhunters do not make proper decisions on recovering fatally wounded deer.

Same can be said about gun hunters!
IMO, gun hunters fail to recover more mortally wounded deer than bow hunters.

It is often because gun hunters take longer low-probability shots, the deer runs off, a miss is "assumed", and the hunter never even goes to look where the deer was standing when he fired.
This is often just due to laziness on behalf of the hunter not wanting to walk that far.

When they do, they often do a poor job looking, sometimes never even looking where the deer was standing. Yes, the exact spot can sometimes be hard and time-consumptive to find when it's so far away.

Just one of my pet peeves.
If you shoot at it, go all out to either find it or be certain you can't.
Better yet, just don't take low-probability shots.
Ok....bare with me.
I have a story to tell.
You might learn something...(in truth...I did NOT learn anything I didn't already know)

A few days ago I was sitting 22 feet up a tree when a buck popped into view from who knows where.
I knew as soon as he appeared that the shot ops were going to be extremely fast. So I hooked up, stood up and drew simultaneously.

As I settled in on the walking buck I realized he was angling away and about to be in I bleated.
He was 30 yards and slightly quartering away.

I settled low behind the shoulder with my top pin (2 inches low at 25) as I bleated.

He stopped and looked my direction, ears cupped.

When I released he dropped and spun into the arrow.

Dropped him in his tracks. (oh crap) I quickly grabbed an insurance arrow.

He almost instantly began pushing himself away with his rear legs.

It was on one of these pushes that I released the second arrow. It arrived at his crippled body just as his rear legs lifted him for another scoot.

Clean miss!

Arrow 3 quickly nocked and released as buck made it to edge of thick brush.

Apparently this arrow did the final job.

His head slowly relaxed and played flat on ground as his tail did the final quick twitch!

All this happened in seconds.

I am now looking at a nice, relatively mature, 8 point laying dead still, no chest rise, no movement at all, at a distance of 32 yards.

I contact my buddy and tell him what's happened and he says he'll be there later to help take pics, drag, and load.
I sent a pic of the dead buck laying in front of me.

I call another buddy and talk to him for ten minutes. Not being particularly quiet but looking at the dead buck as we're conversing.

And then...after 12 and a half minutes...and two arrows through the mid portion of this bucks body, and seeing profuse blood loss as he drags himself towards cover...


I literally hang up on my buddy.
Nock a FOURTH arrow and quickly realize there isn't going to be another shot opportunity from my climbing stand and that I need to get down NOW! QUICKLY!

This buck is falling, stumbling, dragging himself to the edge of a steep, thick, gnarly hillside in an obvious attempt to get to a giant Kudzu/briar thicket located about 150 yards STRAIGHT DOWN hill from his present location.

And I am watching this with my jaw dropped on the ground! gear and broad heads are all good, trust me.
I've killed a couple deer with a bow!

By the time I get down, nock an arrow, and get to where I last saw him...HE IS GONE!

I am utterly SHOCKED.

Great blood trail but come on...this is insane. It's been 12.5 minutes.

I felt like he was walking dead but I needed to get on him and finish him off ASAP!

WE ended up in a kudzu/briar thicket that a rabbit couldn't get through.

I was literally Army crawling on my belly pushing my bow in front of me and couldn't see 10 feet in front of me.

When I got to within 10 feet of him I had to reach over my head and carefully break briars and really bad sticky things away from me enough to where I could get on my knees. All the while he's 10 feet away looking at me. panting.

I felt awful for his suffering.

Every move I made rested in a briar in an arm, hand, finger, face, and BACK! Lots of back stickers. I'm sure I felt nothing like he did but he was making me pay somewhat.

I finally managed to break enough stuff to shoot him a third time. In front of hip angling into chest cavity.

And he GOT UP AGAIN!!! And took off through this wall of thorns and kudzu that a D-9 would burn a clutch up on!

He only made it about another 10 feet and expired.


My buddy showed up and was AMAZED at what happened!

I took him home after an app check out and took him apart on video.

AMAZING blood loss.

I'm still in shock about this one.

Both arrows cut bone off spine. One near neck, the other near hips.

Neither arrows severed the spinal cord.

But both caused significant blood loss.

I think he would have died soon after getting to kudzu but I wasn't taking chances..

The first arrow he turned into and th arrow actually went through the very front of both shoulders cutting the top of both scapulas and cutting off the top of two of the spiny bones in the cervical vertebrae.

The third arrow entered just in front of the hips, on the top of the spine, angling perfect center down into the spinal column and cutting off one of the spiny appendages around the lower lumbar.

Both were Magnus Serrazors COC 4 blade. EXTREMELY Effective broad heads!
Remember a deer is not dead until you gut It,
Same can be said about gun hunters!
IMO, gun hunters fail to recover more mortally wounded deer than bow hunters.

I honestly have very little experience with gun hunters.

But I imagine that is very true. I'm betting there are more gun hunters.
And its probably hard to tell sometimes if the deer was hit at all.

But the number of stories I hear yearly is disturbing (about bowhunters)

Not all...but many!

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