Crimson Tide R.I.P.

let's see:

vols sanctioned and fined for hundreds of violations in NCAA investigation under AD phil fulmer

Michigan under investigation and Likley to get sanctions. In NCAA INVESTIGATION

Colorado self reports 11 violations

Florida State with NIL recruiting violations

Georgia NCAA violations for gifts to players

Florida under investigations for NIL deals

ALABAMA under NO NCAA investigation

Imagine that.

I don't see the phrase "Death Penalty" in your list. As in alabama facing the Death Penalty for cheating.

Another fail. You really aren't good at this game - maybe go whip up a good game of Barbie with your sister?
Here you go, I added some details you conveniently omitted.

let's see:

vols sanctioned and fined for hundreds of violations in NCAA investigation under AD phil fulmer and HC Jeremy Pruitt a former AL protege who spent 9 years coaching in AL high schools were he undoubtedly interacted with members of the AL coaching staff, a total of 7 years actually coaching on the AL staff. A total 16 years of either interacting with or coaching at AL where he undoubtedly learned how to cheat (albeit not very well) and bringing those cheating ways to TN.
Well let's see, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that every single team cheats in some way. If you ain't cheatin you takin a beatin! Michigan cheated this year I guess. Don't really consider it cheating in my mind, more like strategically planning to whoop tail in my book but anyway, they're national champions.

As a former intelligence professional, I consider Michigan's operations a well executed intel op. And, to be blunt, any team who had their signs stolen deserved it for not taking steps to prevent it.
All I can say is y'all better be glad y'all weren't doing that crap when Johnny Majors was coach at UT, there wouldn't have been providing info to the ncaa etc., he woulda got in his car and drove to Ttown , walked into whatever knucklehead y'all had as coach and kicked him in the nutz right before he stuck his head in a toilet and pushed the flush lever.
All this nonsense about Dooley, Butch etc. yeah it was a train wreck but it's behind Tennessee now, the sky is clearing and bright days are ahead, but for Bama the bright days are dimming, storm clouds are gathering and the rumble of thunder can be heard all across Alabama. It must be really depressing privately, putting on a brave face when inside y'all know your best days are behind you.
All I can say is y'all better be glad y'all weren't doing that crap when Johnny Majors was coach at UT, there wouldn't have been providing info to the ncaa etc., he woulda got in his car and drove to Ttown , walked into whatever knucklehead y'all had as coach and kicked him in the nutz right before he stuck his head in a toilet and pushed the flush lever.
What was his record against Alabama?
All this nonsense about Dooley, Butch etc. yeah it was a train wreck but it's behind Tennessee now, the sky is clearing and bright days are ahead, but for Bama the bright days are dimming, storm clouds are gathering and the rumble of thunder can be heard all across Alabama. It must be really depressing privately, putting on a brave face when inside y'all know your best days are behind you.
Time will tell.
What was his record against Alabama?
The win that counted, ending Bear Bryant's career with a loss to ….Tennessee…
But back to Bama and the present, Bama's glory and their former coach Nick Saban are as one now, in that sobering sad twilight of its day in the sun. The cheering fans and adulation of the press are but echos of what was and can never be again. That light that shined on them so bright, so focused is dipping below the horizon, the darkness that follows will be deep, the crimson multitudes stumbling, feeling their way forward into an uncertain future, looking back because the way forward is too unbearable to comprehend.
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More like he and all the other coaches sang to the NCAA to get an even playing field and not have to compete against cheaters.

I also wonder about all those wins against Fulmer when they weren't under "NCAA scrutiny". You mention that Fulmer didn't fair well, as if their cheating had nothing at all to do with all those wins. Kinda ironic that your whole statement on this kinda proves that AL could only beat Fulmer when they were cheating. Having to follow the rules due to being under "NCAA scrutiny" brought them back to reality where Fulmer apparently fared quite well.

You also seem very sensitive to my previous post about giving him 3-5 years. Well that's when all new coaches tend to get on the hot seat and fired. There's no denying that other SEC teams either are stronger or getting stronger and deeper with OK and TX joining.

Even with Saban staying it was going to be tougher than it has been to win the SEC. Now with a new coach that is going to be even harder still. On top of that, he's also going to have the added pressure of following not only a great coach, but the ghost of Bryant AND a fan base that's gotten spoiled with winning.

It can be done, but the odds are against him. It seems from your sensitivity to the subject that you know this too.
Thank you for being so understanding of my sensitivity. If it weren't for such astute, Nostradamus-like, responses such as yours, how would we ever be able to prepare for the inevitably bleak future that the University of Alabama football program will face in a mere 3-5 years?
I'll set a reminder to come check on you when all the doom and gloom produces another championship in that same time period. 😂😂
As a former intelligence professional, I consider Michigan's operations a well executed intel op. And, to be blunt, any team who had their signs stolen deserved it for not taking steps to prevent it.
Don't disagree because it's definitely an avoidable situation. Paying people outside the program to go film games is where it crosses the line if that did indeed happen. If it's people associated with the program and on staff there's nothing illegal about it.

As illustrated in the above graphic, the @$$ kickings commenced as early as 1906 and will continue into the foreseeable future regardless of who is at the helm. Sorry, not sorry VFLs.
What counted?
I asked Major's record against Bama and you said the one that counted. All the games counted in his record against Alabama.

I think Tennessee is going to field a good team this year. Y'all's QB looks really good and Heupel seems to be a good coach. Tennessee is better than they've been in a long time.
Alabama is also going to field a good team next year. They have a good roster as well as a good recruiting class coming in.
It should be a good year for both programs and will make for a great game in October.
"At 39 wins, Tennessee has more victories over Alabama than any other program in college football."

I don't think I'd crow too much and too loud with that stat hanging over your head. It's like a nagging injury for bama, as much as they wish it wasn't so, it in fact is. Sorta like an old weakness, doing ok at the moment but ever fearful it will come roaring back and pin you terrified, trembling (cowed even) at a moment least expected.

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