Crockpot Deer

Nimrod777 said:
Omigosh, ate the tenderloins, heart, and some chops tonight. MAN was it tender. Tremendous!!

was anything left? :grin: :grin:

seriously, it is hard to judge size sometimes. I've done it too.
My wife shed some light on this one for me just the other day, as I was trying to get her to commiserate with me on my apparent inability to judge deer size on the hoof:

"Maybe it wasn't one of the deer you saw jump into the brush."

So simple, and I didn't even see it. The two does I saw jump off the path seemed quite large and adult. I waited four or five minutes, and out pokes this young'un that hadn't seen the cause of the commotion, and he wanted to cross to the other side.

I may have a bit of faith left in myself after all. Regardless, the hams I smoked yesterday were remarkably juicy and tender!
Who cares? I have killed a bunch of deer I'd have bet the farm would dress out over 100 pounds, that dressed 60-70. And visa-versa...The ONLY way I can tell for CERTAIN that a small deer is a fawn is SPOTS. And they better be BRIGHT spots for me to be certain. (even then...there is the "fallow deer" argument).

Kill what you want. ENJOY as long as it is LEGAL, and ethical.

I PROMISE you, I will put a (doe) fawn or two in the freezer this year (this winter if Lord willing). There is simply NO BETTER eating.

Besides, EVERYONE knows that killing such a small deer is a MUCH more challenging endeavour. The vitals are SOOOOOO small. Great shot!!!

LOL Yeah, I used that "small vitals" bit on someone just the other day.

No, don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED to have put this little feller down, and to have made a quick and easy recovery. I am still so excited about each deer kill, it's almost like I'm still first-year hunting. The disparity between what I saw jump into the bush and what I carried out w/ one hand just had me puzzled.

Course, when that deer stepped out I had the pin on and arrow gone in ten seconds. I knew I was on borrowed time. And for all those that say the little ones are more tender, man is it true!
I'll add this as well Nims...The biggest deer I've ever killed were ALL the WORST eating...while the smallest were ALL the BEST eating.
