Cutting hay

It's not too early, I cut my 1 acre yesterday. I usually wait until Saturdays. šŸ¤£

I'll shut up.....
Lol I hear ya, I was on the tractor from before the was up to sundown Monday and yesterday. I try to take my dogs and walk the fields so if there's a fawn they will bark at it and if it's a turkey they will run it out of there and I'll look for a nest but nothing the last two days besides it was blazing hot.
Do groups of hens typically nest at the same time? I ran over a hen with bush hog 3 weeks ago so I stopped. She had to be nested for several weeks after seeing the inside of an egg. Kind of curious when it would be safe to finish mowing.
Usually not.

The most dominant hen will start her nest first and chase other hens away from her nesting area. The others start their nests staggered following... It's rare to find nests closer than 150yds from one another. Peak nesting is usually several weeks after the first nest is initiated (end of April is average nest initiation in middle TN, so mid June is average hatching). Single lone hens are the norm on my farms today... ladies taking a stretch from incubation for a few minutes to grab a bite or drink. They won't leave their nest to eat or drink during the 4th week of incubation.