Deal on a Smoked Ham for Thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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If your family enjoys ham, check this deal out. The farm is called Home Place Pastures, and the TAFKAP family has been on their CSA since they started it. They're the only pork we eat anymore, and the meat they produce is some of the finest we've eaten. They raise Berkshire breed hogs, and it results in some pretty fantastic meat.

Last year, they offered a deal for a 5-lb boneless ham for $50 delivered, so we bought one. There's no words to describe how much better the ham was compared to other "honey" glazed versions. If you like ham, you'll love this one. Shipping is included. Follow the link below. ... -included/
brass magnet":2va8f0vk said:
So, is this not "honey glazed", link looked like it wasn't, not a fan of that, some of the deals make me think "I need some of that"!! :drool:

No, not "honey glazed" at all. Cured & smoked. It's delicious.
Andy S.":pdejjw7f said:
Mine was delivered yesterday. :tu:

Sweet! Did you cheat a piece? Mine is going to be delivered today with my monthly CSA box.
I hope it works out for you because its not hard to find a good smoked flat cut ham for under $5/lb. Their price though is pretty much inline with some of the other premium brands.
KyRick":2yawm8b4 said:
I received mine yesterday. It better be good. That is a very small package of ham for that price. We shall see.


Hope it is for you. I was tempted to get one. I will see how the majority liked them and then may get one next year.
$10/lb for a smoked and cured pasture-raised heritage breed ham is a good price.

There's no way that a ham from a Chinese-owned confinement pig operation that produces thousands of pigs per day can be compared to the real deal.

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KyRick":3n5izltc said:
I received mine yesterday. It better be good. That is a very small package of ham for that price. We shall see.

You won't be disappointed. But to compare, Honeybaked Ham lists a 6-7 lb ham for $ at $10/lb, including delivery, you're already ahead of the curve. Then considering the quality of this meat vs. the stuff HBH sells, it's that much better
BamaProud":1zy1sn5r said:
Any way to know if this deal will be available closer to Christmas? I guess I could call them.

I'm pretty sure it started out as a Christmas ham that they opened up earlier for Thanksgiving. If you want to call, ask for Marshall Bartlett. The link I posted shows 17 still available now.

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