If your family enjoys ham, check this deal out. The farm is called Home Place Pastures, and the TAFKAP family has been on their CSA since they started it. They're the only pork we eat anymore, and the meat they produce is some of the finest we've eaten. They raise Berkshire breed hogs, and it results in some pretty fantastic meat.
Last year, they offered a deal for a 5-lb boneless ham for $50 delivered, so we bought one. There's no words to describe how much better the ham was compared to other "honey" glazed versions. If you like ham, you'll love this one. Shipping is included. Follow the link below.
http://homeplacepastures.com/product/th ... -included/
Last year, they offered a deal for a 5-lb boneless ham for $50 delivered, so we bought one. There's no words to describe how much better the ham was compared to other "honey" glazed versions. If you like ham, you'll love this one. Shipping is included. Follow the link below.
http://homeplacepastures.com/product/th ... -included/