Super easy, quick meal. Definitely best "roast" from a deer. This one was trimmed to fit in a six quart Instant Pot.
If you wanted to take it up a notch, brown it (another great Instant Pot feature) and flavor profile will improve and meat will stay together a little better.
These ages for 21 and 22 days, but it certainly isn't necessary. Season to taste and set on high pressure for 55 minutes. A little broth or water we'll help, but you don't need much. Ideally you can allow pressure to drop on its own, but I'd give it 10 minutes after it shuts off to start releasing pressure.
One of the least utilized cuts is actually the best in flavor and texture.
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If you wanted to take it up a notch, brown it (another great Instant Pot feature) and flavor profile will improve and meat will stay together a little better.
These ages for 21 and 22 days, but it certainly isn't necessary. Season to taste and set on high pressure for 55 minutes. A little broth or water we'll help, but you don't need much. Ideally you can allow pressure to drop on its own, but I'd give it 10 minutes after it shuts off to start releasing pressure.
One of the least utilized cuts is actually the best in flavor and texture.

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