Deer heart and liver recipes and/or techniques?

It's been said but I just have to reiterate, the heart is a muscle not an organ. With that said, there is nothing better than pickled heart aka Deer Candy.

Boil the heart on slow boil an hour or 2, depending on size. After it's cooked and cooled, slice it in 1/8" thick slices. You can halve them if it's a large heart. Slice a Vidalia onion in 1/8" slices.

In a quart size wide mouth mason jar (drink the shine from it first), alternately layer the heart and onion slices. Fill the jar half full of apple cider vinegar. Top of with water. Place the lid on the jar (shouldn't have had to say that, but you never know), gently shake to mix the vinegar and water together. Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

That's it, it's done, and makes a great snack food.

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