Well-Known Member
The old days for me were late 90's, early 2000's
Deer hunting here was actually significantly better then than it is now.

I made a few trips to Hickman County in the late 70's early 80's. There would be 10 or 12 of us in 3 or 4 pickups. We never stayed in motels or campgrounds. We would take tents and sleeping bags and camp out and hunt on some paper company land. We killed a lot of deer and had a lot of fun even though I did think I was going to freeze to death a time or two trying to sleep in those old tents with no kind of heat.I remember when you had to make reservations a year in advance to get a spot in the local KOA Campground or any of the motels at my freeway exit (143 on I-40). And all of the truck plates in the motels were East TN. Every tree around the Days Inn would have deer hanging in them. Now, you can hardly tell it's deer season at the local motels. Maybe a dozen trucks at the Days Inn that are obviously hunters.
LOL, I was one of those guys, actually just a kid then but we either camped at Bucksnort or Waverly exit in a little pop up cloth camper and froze to death. We couldnt afford a Motel room and looking back im glad. I will never forget those trips and nights camping, only to go hunt overloaded public land with hundreds of other hunters. Boy did I learn a lot through those years however! I had a long conversation with Game warden while he was aging and pulling Lymph nodes from one of our bucks a couple weeks ago. He was telling his college students about starting with TWRA in 1988 and being sent to Giles co. where they had a couple wknd draw hunts to actually shoot a doe with a gun. 2500 hundred permits and not an acre of public property in the county! LOL he said it was a nightmare!I remember when you had to make reservations a year in advance to get a spot in the local KOA Campground or any of the motels at my freeway exit (143 on I-40). And all of the truck plates in the motels were East TN. Every tree around the Days Inn would have deer hanging in them. Now, you can hardly tell it's deer season at the local motels. Maybe a dozen trucks at the Days Inn that are obviously hunters.
Probably about 2004 or so, I was on a juvenile hunt with my son in a metal tower stand. We were overlooking a big food plot cut in a pine plantation. A big group of does walked out. He started shaking so hard I was afraid the deer were going to hear the stand creaking and squeaking. It was great to hear and see him that excited about deer hunting. He finally calmed down enough to pull the trigger on a huge doe.Even though I don't shoot near as many deer as back then and only try to shoot bigger deer, still often get the shakes when any deer gets close. Especially after shooting anything with a bow. Even though he said it about turkeys, like tom Kelly said, the day I stop shaking and breathing heavy I'm of no use to anyone or anything anymore.