Did anyone hear any this morning??


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumberland Plateau
This morning was what I would thought to be TEXTBOOK!!

Went to a Bledsoe Co farm my dad got permission to hunt that we heard a few birds on(Only been twice)and only heard 2 faint gobbles from a great distance off, talked to Strutncut and he said he didnt hear a thing and thats saying something fro him he usually has em blowing the woods down???

Jus wondering how everyone elses morning went??
same here. it was crazy Friday morning. they were gobbling from every direction. today, nothing but a few faint gobbles.
Nope didn't hear the first gobble but seen some toms. But they had a severe case of the lock jaw this mornin! First time that I haven't heard any gobbles all year
Saw 2 toms and 6 jakes only gobbled on the roost and about 5 times on the ground. That was it. I'm having better luck between 2 and dark getting them fired up.
Heard alot of gobbling this morning,tried to talk 2 loud mouth toms into coming into my set-up but could only get 2 hens and a jake to check me out,heard'em spittin and drummin and thought it was gonna play out but they didn't come up over the hill,oh well.Still had a blast!
Hunted all over telico unit today and never heard a thang. It was a beautiful day though.
I heard several birds yesterday morning but none of them were on the property that I can hunt.
They were very vocal too.
Busted a bird off the roost RIGHT behind my ground blind at 5:15 yesterday morning and that was the only bird I saw. :(
Found several big dusting spots with fresh sign and feathers in them but alas no birds.

I did have a group of 5 bucks walk by me at 50 yards though, that was pretty cool.
Today is my worst day yet for gobbling. Only heard 1 distant bird and he gobbled his head off. We did not hunt the place we hunted this morning yesterday and it got fertilized sometime. They may have temporiarly spooked them off or someone on surrounding property may have connected with one or both.
Been on two hunts sat and sun with burds being killed. turkeys have gobbled the whole weekend. hammering at my truck door slamming,horns,wood peckers,dogs,etc. dogwoods are in bloom and that has always been a pretty good sign that burds will be vocal. alot of gobbling in the rain today.