Did he Survive?

Totally going against the grain from everybody else on this one... I think there is a VERY good chance he is fine.

Reason I'm saying so... If a viscous was perforated, he would have already died within a week of the shot from sepsis. That pic being taken a week later with a nice shiny coat means he is still grooming himself. A dying deer doesn't do that. His eyes look bright and healthy as well. Too soon after the shot to look for weight loss, but he looks to be in good condition prior to the mishap.

Now don't get me wrong... I just don't see HOW gut wasn't lacerated with the shot. But based on the cam pic, I really don't think it was, as again, he'd already be dead.
Totally going against the grain from everybody else on this one... I think there is a VERY good chance he is fine.

Reason I'm saying so... If a viscous was perforated, he would have already died within a week of the shot from sepsis. That pic being taken a week later with a nice shiny coat means he is still grooming himself. A dying deer doesn't do that. His eyes look bright and healthy as well. Too soon after the shot to look for weight loss, but he looks to be in good condition prior to the mishap.

Now don't get me wrong... I just don't see HOW gut wasn't lacerated with the shot. But based on the cam pic, I really don't think it was, as again, he'd already be dead.
I agree he does look extremely healthy given the circumstances. Other than the arrow sticking out he looks perfect. And it doesn't appear the shot was that bad either for a quartering away shot, just no penetration for some odd reason.
Gut shot is just about zero survival. Might take hours might take days but he won't survive the inevitable infection. Gut bacteria in the bloodstream is a death sentence.
Have to agree with this. He is dead somewhere. If you get out looking for sheds, you might find his skull.
Young kid with no bow penetration power.

I'd guess that is it exactly. Many states require minimum 40lb draw weight to be legal. Not sure about TN if it's a requirement or not. Bow hunting is tough. I hate the thought of a kid having to experience one of worst feelings so early. How old is he/she?
I've taken that very shot before and all have been deadly. Small diameter arrows and fixed Muzzys and 60lb bow will do the trick.
That buck will survive if it can get that arrow out.
Good luck!
I'd guess that is it exactly. Many states require minimum 40lb draw weight to be legal. Not sure about TN if it's a requirement or not. Bow hunting is tough. I hate the thought of a kid having to experience one of worst feelings so early. How old is he/she?
I think he was around twelve or so. First year bow hunting. Has given it up for now. Told him to keep practicing and see what happens when he gets into his late teens. Bow hunting is a humbling sport.
Bow hunting is a humbling sport.

Indeed. Hardest lesson to learn is that there's another being on the other side who wants to live just as much as we want to kill, and sometimes they win. Unfortunately it takes wounding an animal to really grasp the gravity of that lesson. Nobody wants to see a 12yr old experience it but in the big scheme of things it's probably going to work in his favor for the rest of his life. Hopefully he gets back after it once he's matured a little both physically and mentally. Wanting to quit shows he has empathy & compassion, a very good sign for a bow hunter in the making. Good on you for encouraging him.
Indeed. Hardest lesson to learn is that there's another being on the other side who wants to live just as much as we want to kill, and sometimes they win. Unfortunately it takes wounding an animal to really grasp the gravity of that lesson. Nobody wants to see a 12yr old experience it but in the big scheme of things it's probably going to work in his favor for the rest of his life. Hopefully he gets back after it once he's matured a little both physically and mentally. Wanting to quit shows he has empathy & compassion, a very good sign for a bow hunter in the making. Good on you for encouraging him.
We saw too many wounded and lost to arrows. Everyone in my family gave up bow-hunting. Glad we did. It has made our MZ hunting much more successful!
We saw too many wounded and lost to arrows. Everyone in my family gave up bow-hunting. Glad we did. It has made our MZ hunting much more successful!
I've switched to an xbow, but contrary to popular belief it has serious imitations too. It's still an arrow and broad head. Don't believe what you see on tv. I will only shoot mine in very limited situations.
Muzzleloading is the best time to be in the woods for sure!
We saw too many wounded and lost to arrows. Everyone in my family gave up bow-hunting. Glad we did. It has made our MZ hunting much more successful!

To each their own. As long as I'm physically able I will bow hunt. When I'm no longer physically able maybe I'll crossbow hunt. I won't take anything away from firearms hunting. I do it and enjoy it. But it's a far cry from the excitement and sense of accomplishment I get from bow hunting. I like it because it's hard. But I also dedicate significant time to it. Some guys golf. Some guys fish. Some guys watch football. I shoot my bow.

That said I cannot argue that a lot of deer get wounded and lost due to errant archery shots. It's a fact. Even if the hunter does everything perfect it's always a very real possibility that the animal won't die. Unfortunately too many bow hunters seem to neglect the archery part of archery hunting. You really have to be comfortable with your equipment and be honest with yourself about your capabilities & limitations. It doesn't happen over night and it doesn't stay if you lay off. You've got to stay on top of it. It really requires more dedication than a lot of hunters are willing to give it, but that doesn't stop them from hunting anyway. It's not a gun that can be sighted in and put away. If a hunter should have to practice enough with a firearm to be proficient, then they really should have to practice with a bow. But many do not. And many deer get lost because of it.

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