Did I miss? Still in shock...

What kinda gun. Sounds like it cocked but didn't let the primer strike. Makes me think you may need to clean up the firing pin area if possible. That's the only thing I can think of, but without knowing your setup I'm not much help
Cva optima 2 . The one with silver barrell.
Reaction sounds like a miss to me. Especially if he looked around, saw you, then bolted as he saw you trying to reload. Tough break but I doubt he's any worse for the wear.

He stood there long enough for me to get a good look at him… Didn't act hit. Definitely a first for me…
Several years ago I shot a nice 8 point that was still in velvet during the late season MZ.
Shot was 147 yards with a range finder and he dropped in his tracks.

One hour later, a nice doe walks out of the woods at 40 yards and starts to feed in the field.
I take aim and fire...doe keeps eating. I go through the act of slowly trying to reload and spooked her and off she went.

Still don't know how I missed at 40 yards broadside. But it happens.
You might check out your firing pin channel that it's not full of crud if you didn't get a primer strike
^^This^^ seen it happen.
Break open and put finger over the end of fire pin channel and depress trigger and push hammer forward to "feel" the firing pin travel forward....you can tell when its got crud or if its sticky.....and if you have never pulled the pin and spring and cleaned the channel....then its time....only takes a few minutes and will give you peace of mind.
^^This^^ seen it happen.
Break open and put finger over the end of fire pin channel and depress trigger and push hammer forward to "feel" the firing pin travel forward....you can tell when its got crud or if its sticky.....and if you have never pulled the pin and spring and cleaned the channel....then its time....only takes a few minutes and will give you peace of mind.
And don't lose the spring in there!

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