Different Loads for different situations

I'm going for a head shot, no matter what the situation.
If it doens't present, simply don't shoot. Just part of the "game" to me.

That said, I've gone to progressively smaller sized shot over the years. I used to "load up" mainly with #5 copper-plated lead. As the diverse offerings of heavier-than-lead shot have become available, I've switched over to them, and opted for smaller-size shot.

The only "situation" where I have a different load is regarding should a follow-up shot be necessary, nothing to do with whether I'm hunting woods or fields.

When turkey season opens, in my chamber will be a load of #7 H-13's. They're throwing a denser pattern than #6 copper-plated lead, and packing a per pellet punch closer to #5 copper-plated lead. Should a follow-up shot be needed, will likely have in reserve some #6 and #5 "heavy" Winchester Extended Range loads. These Winchester pellets are 10% heavier than lead, whereas the H-13's are 20% heavier. But seems the Winchesters produce a little larger (but very uniform) pattern (than the H-13's), that could be of greater value on a wounded and moving bird needing a follow-up.

But truth is, it may matter very little what's in your chamber if you reserve your shooting to head shots at a reasonable high-probability killing distance for your gun/choke. Under 35 yards, may not matter at all, and I'd bet most experienced turkey hunters are taking most birds under 30 yards.

For those who haven't yet tried "heavier" than lead options, would recommend your first trying the Winchester Extended Range shells. These are more readily available and at a better price, and seem to be consistently good performers in most any gun or choke. If you normally shoot #5 copper-plated lead, try these Winchesters in #6 --- comparable per-pellet punch and usually a denser pattern. Unfortunatley, the Winchesters are not available in #7 size. Go with the H-13's. If you can't find straight #7's in the H-13's, the H-13 "Blend" (#5, #6, #7) has still produced denser patterns for me than straight H-13 straight #6's.
Head shots at 40 yards and in with the Nitro 4x5x7s. Doesnt matter if its woods or fields for me. When I run out of Nitros ( they were a gift) i will go to either heavi shots strait 7s or Winchester Extended Range shells.
good post Wes!

I have shot the Xtended range for about 3 years now and have been very pleased! I did order some Hevi #7 though and will try them out.

I may even pick up a box of the mag blend just to see the difference.
I've tried most of them, including the Nitros which are the best ive shot, but are very expensive and have to be ordered. I have settled on the Winchester Xtended range #6's in 3.5"
These loads perform great and are much easier to obtain locally.
I too head shoot anything farther than about 15 yards. If he gets closer than that I pull it down and cut his neck and head off! lol
Depending on where I am hunting, I may have a different second shell than the main one in the chamber.

Also, here's a tip, put a couple of dove loads, etc., in the bottom of your vest or pouch. Trust me, you'll be glad they are there if you were to ever need them :D !
REN said:
I have shot the Xtended range for about 3 years now and have been very pleased! I did order some Hevi #7 though and will try them out.

I may even pick up a box of the mag blend just to see the difference.
Personally, the current configuration in the mag "blend" doesn't make a lot of sense to me, as it is a mix of #5, #6, and #7 pellets.

If going for head shots, those #7's are the stuff.
Body shots, the #5's make the most sense.
I'd rather see those "blends" utilizing an equal mix of #5 & #7, which should produce comparable density to their current blend, but would be replacing the #6 pellets with more of both #5 and #7 in their place.

That said, the current "blend" offering of #5, #6, #7 still gave slightly denser patterns for me than the straight H-13 #6's. Also, the "blends" are producing a higher velocity. Would like to see them put that higher velocity into all the H-13 shells. Think the reason they don't is better pattern uniformity is obtained with a little less velocity. So mainly due to this higher velocity, I would prefer the current "blend" offering now over the straight #6 loads from H-13.
I am going to try the #7 and the blend but I am betting the #7 are what i end up with. I am a head shot guy so the #5 really are not that important to me.

thanks again Wes thats alot of good info.