Do you leave any fat on your grind meat?

Butts you can find cheap at times. Bacon? That is an expensive add.
You don't have to put Benton's or Wright bacon in it. I usually buy Kroger or Aldi brand bacon for $3.99/lb. It serves the purpose of adding fat to the meat and not that expensive in the overall scope. It's worth it to me, anyway.
Straight venison for us. My wife likes to say if your gonna add something else to it why not just buy your meat at the store? I have to agree I like eating 100 percent pure wild game.
Not intentionally... when I make sausage I add pork trimming... plain ground I add nothing as I prefer it lean for health reasons.
I trim all the fat off. If I am grinding, I don't try to get all the silver skin off — just all the mucousy stuff. I will put up backstraps, tenderloins, shanks, and break out muscles in the hindquarters for roasts and then grind the rest. I put up most of our ground as venison only, no added fat of any kind. But the last 2 years I have been putting some up as pre-formed burgers — for 10 lbs of venison, I mix in 4 lbs of Boston butt.