Do you name your deer?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
Reaction score
Huntsville, AL
When running your cameras, do you name any of the unique bucks? If so, what are some of the names you have come up with?
I started because I got tired of explaining which buck I was referring to.

I have only named my most recent 3 mature bucks though.."Warrior" "Superstar" and "Hightop"
only used cameras since last winter, but I have named a couple of does, and have not yet come up with a name for the 8 pt that walked up to me when I didn't have the bow in hand.
So far this year we have the following:

Captain Hook (he looks like he has a hook on one side)
Plasma (very wide rack - like a plasma TV)
Lucky (passed him many times last year)
Crabby Patty (crab claws on both sides)
Doublewide (VERY wide 6 point)
Grape Ape (My son came up with this one. He was tired of using "great 8" for big 8 pointers so he changed it just a bit)
Nope. For whatever reason, naming bucks just smacks of hunting shows (which I despise). Plus it seems more like they are pets than quarry.

Our individual bucks on camera census get a unique number for identification.
BSK said:
Nope. For whatever reason, naming bucks just smacks of hunting shows (which I despise). Plus it seems more like they are pets than quarry.

Our individual bucks on camera census get a unique number for identification.

So you name them, you just use a number. If that makes you feel better than using an actual name, more power to you.

My kids come up with the names for the bucks on our "hit list". It adds a little fun to the season for us. I am all for anything that keeps kids involved in the outdoors and honestly, it makes it a little more fun for me too.
No , because I'm the only person hunting the property . No need to reference , or name them . I think some of the names on TV show hit lists are stupid . It's almost an obsession for the hosts seeking out a certain buck they named from the trail cam photos . I just hunt deer , not my pets .
CAW said:
BSK said:
Nope. For whatever reason, naming bucks just smacks of hunting shows (which I despise). Plus it seems more like they are pets than quarry.

Our individual bucks on camera census get a unique number for identification.

So you name them, you just use a number. If that makes you feel better than using an actual name, more power to you.

My kids come up with the names for the bucks on our "hit list". It adds a little fun to the season for us. I am all for anything that keeps kids involved in the outdoors and honestly, it makes it a little more fun for me too.

I don't know what it is about naming bucks that creeps me out CAW, but it does. I really can't put my finger on what I don't like about it, but something about it bothers me.

But, to each their own.

Now we certainly do have descriptive identifiers for certain bucks, just to simplify discussion, such as, "The Wide 9," "The Tall 10," "The Broken G2," etc. simply because that's easier to remember than buck #14 or buck #26. Although honestly, I don't know what's that different about the descriptors we use versus names like "The Washboard," "Lefty," or "Big Boy." But to me, there is a difference.
I don't name the bucks I get pics of, however I have couple people I know that name the bucks they get pics of, and when someone else kills them they consider the buck theirs. Kinda like after they get a lot of pics of the buck they take ownership of the buck.LOL.......
BSK said:
CAW said:
BSK said:
Nope. For whatever reason, naming bucks just smacks of hunting shows (which I despise). Plus it seems more like they are pets than quarry.

Our individual bucks on camera census get a unique number for identification.

So you name them, you just use a number. If that makes you feel better than using an actual name, more power to you.

My kids come up with the names for the bucks on our "hit list". It adds a little fun to the season for us. I am all for anything that keeps kids involved in the outdoors and honestly, it makes it a little more fun for me too.
Now we certainly do have descriptive identifiers for certain bucks, just to simplify discussion, such as, "The Wide 9," "The Tall 10," "The Broken G2,"

Thats where my problem is though... all of my big deer are around 16-17" wide with 11-13 inch G2's.. they're all "The Tall 10" or "tall 8" :D

My "Warrior" buck started the naming for me. I had to call him something since his huge body was striped with scars lol
i never had that problem because i have never seen a deer over a spike or 4 point around my area to hunt.

so i just started callin ever one of them next :D

but all that's going to change i found a new hunting spot to try out this year
BSK said:
CAW said:
BSK said:
Nope. For whatever reason, naming bucks just smacks of hunting shows (which I despise). Plus it seems more like they are pets than quarry.

Our individual bucks on camera census get a unique number for identification.

So you name them, you just use a number. If that makes you feel better than using an actual name, more power to you.

My kids come up with the names for the bucks on our "hit list". It adds a little fun to the season for us. I am all for anything that keeps kids involved in the outdoors and honestly, it makes it a little more fun for me too.

I don't know what it is about naming bucks that creeps me out CAW, but it does. I really can't put my finger on what I don't like about it, but something about it bothers me.

But, to each their own.

Now we certainly do have descriptive identifiers for certain bucks, just to simplify discussion, such as, "The Wide 9," "The Tall 10," "The Broken G2," etc. simply because that's easier to remember than buck #14 or buck #26. Although honestly, I don't know what's that different about the descriptors we use versus names like "The Washboard," "Lefty," or "Big Boy." But to me, there is a difference.
you should at least name one Bambi.
Often times names evolve because of my tiring of having to explain to my hunting partner which deer I'm talking about it. Some examples of names that have evolved:

Captain Hook - had a "hooked" G-2
Bobtail Buck - guess why?
Curly - had snow sled curves on the end of his beams

But, I don't look to name them, just helps identify what deer I am talking about.
Master Chief said:
BSK said:
CAW said:
BSK said:
Nope. For whatever reason, naming bucks just smacks of hunting shows (which I despise). Plus it seems more like they are pets than quarry.

Our individual bucks on camera census get a unique number for identification.

So you name them, you just use a number. If that makes you feel better than using an actual name, more power to you.

My kids come up with the names for the bucks on our "hit list". It adds a little fun to the season for us. I am all for anything that keeps kids involved in the outdoors and honestly, it makes it a little more fun for me too.
Now we certainly do have descriptive identifiers for certain bucks, just to simplify discussion, such as, "The Wide 9," "The Tall 10," "The Broken G2,"

Thats where my problem is though... all of my big deer are around 16-17" wide with 11-13 inch G2's.. they're all "The Tall 10" or "tall 8" :D

And that's why only a very unique buck will be given a descriptor name on my place. During November, we usually have identified between 30 and 40 unique bucks using the place. Of those, maybe three will have a descriptive name. The rest are just "shooter" or not.