Do you name your deer?

Every deer that shows up on the camera is given the same name. "PD" is what i name them, Potential Dinner
CAW said:
So far this year we have the following:

Captain Hook (he looks like he has a hook on one side)
Plasma (very wide rack - like a plasma TV)
Lucky (passed him many times last year)
Crabby Patty (crab claws on both sides)
Doublewide (VERY wide 6 point)
Grape Ape (My son came up with this one. He was tired of using "great 8" for big 8 pointers so he changed it just a bit)

Ha, so funny you should ask. I do because it helps me refer to them to my brother and him know what I'm talking about. Thinking of names in the past:

Ridge Monsta (a true monsta only see up on the ridge initially)
Long Shanks (a 7 pointer with ridiculously long, tall rack)
Big 6 (Not very creative, but a very wide 6 pointer)
Scrub Buck (He had a deformed fork on one side and 3 or 4 points on the other - immature buck)
Crab Claws (needs no explanation).

Makes me smile thinking about how stupid outsiders might think this practice is, but - it works for me.
Named after a distint character just for reference in conversation. But I am not opposed to naming them Bill, George anything but SUE
Sure we do, way easier for everyone in club to identify when running multiple cameras with a lot of bucks. Numbers or names are the same difference as they are both unique identifiers.

Beats the heck out of saying "the buck with one curved main beam and one staight one that usually hangs out around the NW corner of property...
Don't give em distinct names. Just a name to know which one we talking about. Kinda like BSK described, "Big 6", "Wide 7", "Triple drop tine 14 point with kickers", etc.... :)

I watch a few choice hunting shows, not many. And they do get carried away naming deer. It's like they spend more time naming than killing..